Page 114 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 114
Fast Track to YDT - Consolidation
5. The present study ---- to determine the factors that
Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen distinguish binge eaters from ---- whose cravings are
sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
satisfied by a relatively “normal” amount of food.
1. Local people initially ---- the rising flood waters wouldn’t A) aimed / the ones
submerge the village, yet by the next day, everything ----
under water. B) has aimed / these
A) assume / will be C) will aim / that of
B) have assumed / will have been D) aims / those
E) is going to aim / that
C) assumed / had been
D) had assumed / was going to be
E) assume / has been
2. Some pandemics like the plague, occurring in the 14 th 6. Although self-comparison is claimed to affect individuals
century, ---- such a huge impact on the genetics of humanity negatively, --- may be useful if they compare themselves to
that they ---- our health even seven hundred years later. others in order to measure their personal development or
motivate ---- to improve.
A) had left / will be affecting
A) they / them
B) left / are affecting
B) it / themselves
C) are leaving / will affect
C) its / itself
D) are going to leave / have affected
D) theirs / by themselves
E) have left / have been affecting
E) their / by itself
3. If the action or decision of a company ---- harm to society 7. Most of the capital cities in Europe have the highest
or the environment, it ---- as socially irresponsible by its population in their own countries, which ---- from the
customers, resulting in a dramatic decrease in its sales. opportunities they provide and the facilities they have.
A) causes / may be regarded A) had to stem
B) has caused / could regard B) may have stemmed
C) is causing / has to be regarded C) should have stemmed
D) caused / might be regarded D) should be stemming
E) had caused / should regard E) used to stem
4. Social media ---- such an indispensable part of our lives 8. In order to achieve successful growth, organizations need
that nearly all of the participants of the study ---- that they to go through predictable stages, ---- of which requires
followed the incidents and events occurring around the a different form of leadership, and ---- must be managed
world via their social media accounts. by an expert from whose experiences organizations may
A) became / were going to report
A) every / most
B) had become / were reporting
B) some / both
C) is becoming / have reported
C) either / much
D) becomes / are reporting
D) each / all
E) has become / reported
E) neither / several