Page 115 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 115

Fast Track to YDT - Consolidation

        9. An  immediate  climate  change  action  is  needed  for  the   13. Studies show that people who live in urban areas are ----
          elimination  of  problems  that  ----  within  the  last  few   overwhelmed with the hustle and bustle of city life ---- they
          decades, so more and more countries, cities or companies   have no energy left for hobbies to refresh themselves.
          ---- carbon-neutrality targets.
                                                                   A)  more / than
            A)  arose / are going to establish
                                                                   B)  so / that
            B)  had arisen / established
                                                                   C)  too / that
            C)  have arisen / are establishing
                                                                   D)  the more / the more
            D)  will arise / establish
                                                                   E)  as / as
            E)  have been arising / have established

        10. Current fertility rates across the world imply that the global   14. After receiving so many complaint letters about the quality
           population  ----  dramatically  by  the  end  of  this  century   of the water in the area, the mayor decided to ---- some
           unless  some  other  precautions  ----  by  governments  to   sample water from the region ---- for analysis.
           reverse this trend.
                                                                   A)  let / bring
            A)  will have declined / are taken
                                                                   B)  get / to bring
            B)  will be declining / have taken
                                                                   C)  have / brought
            C)  will decline / are going to take
                                                                   D)  make / bring
            D)  had declined / took
                                                                   E)  get / to be brought
            E)  was declining / were taken

        11. Consistency  of  parents  in  behaviour  in  the  process  of   15. Refugee crisis is ---- a delicate issue, potentially affecting
           bringing  up  children  saves  a  lot  of  time  because  ----   millions  of  people  across  the  world,  ----  it  should  be
           consistent parents are in their behaviours, ---- intervention   resolved  by  the  mutual  decision  of  both  developed
           they need while raising their children.                countries and those which suffer from it a lot.
            A)  so / that                                          A)  more / than
            B)  such a / that                                      B)  such / that
            C)  the more / the less                                C)  too / to

            D)  more / than                                        D)  as / as
            E)  as / as                                            E)  so / that

        12. Depression  has  many  symptoms,  but  the  one  which  ----   16. Since X-rays allowed doctors ---- inside the human body
           quite  easily  is  being  unable  to  derive  pleasure  from  the   without surgery for the first time, the discovery of X-ray by
           things we ----.                                        Wilhelm Rontgen in 1895 ---- as a medical miracle.
            A)  can notice / should be enjoying                    A)  to see / is labelled
            B)  is supposed to notice / would enjoy                B)  seeing / has labelled
            C)  must be noticed / can enjoy                        C)  to have seen / was labelled
            D)  may be noticed / ought to have enjoyed             D)  to be seen / has been labelled

            E)  could be noticed / used to enjoy                   E)  having been seen / was labelling

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