Page 12 - Konu Özetleri YDT İngilizce
P. 12


  KONU                                    INDEFINITE PRONOUNS
                  YDT    YDT    YDT     YDT    YDT    YDT    YDT    YDT     YDT    YDT    YDT           YDT

         Belgisiz zamirler, belirli bir kişi, yer veya şeyden bahsetmeden genel bir atıfta bulunmak için kullanılan zamirlerdir.
                                              INDEFINITE PRONOUNS
                     Person                           Thing                           Place
             everyone       everybody               everything                      everywhere
             anyone          anybody                 anything                       somewhere
             someone        somebody                something                       anywhere
              no one         nobody                  nothing                         nowhere
         Belgisiz zamirler, her zaman tekil kabul edilir ve fiil çekimi buna göre yapılır.
         ♦  Everyone knows about the garbage issue here on Earth, but did you know that in space there is still a lot of rubbish?
         ♦  Anyone who is interested in being a part of our newly-founded rock band can contact me.
         Özne olarak kullanıldıklarında, bunlara gönderme yapan zamirler tekil ya da çoğul olabilir.
         ♦  As everybody in the committee put forward their ideas against the proposal, the chairman decided to reject it.

         Tag Questions yapısında, insanlar için her zaman they zamiri, cansız varlıklar için it zamiri kullanılır.
         ♦  Thanks to the advent of aviation, anyone can fly distances in less time, can't they?
         ♦  Everything about gardening heals our distressed brains, doesn’t it?
                                  Everyone, Everybody, Everything, Everywhere
         Everyone, everybody, everything, everywhere belirsiz zamirleri, tüm grup ya da nesneleri kapsayan genel bir anlam
         ifade eder. Olumlu, olumsuz ve soru cümlelerinde kullanılır.
         ♦  Not everyone in the scientific community agrees on the ethical implications of artificial intelligence.
         ♦  Everybody in the art community admires the revolutionary approach of modern architects who blend technology with tradition.
         ♦  Is everything in the ecosystem interconnected, or do certain species rely on isolated resources?
         ♦  Accessing drinkable water is not possible everywhere in this city.
                                  Someone, Somebody, Something, Somewhere

         Someone, somebody, something, somewhere belgisiz zamirleri genellikle olumlu cümlelerde kullanılır.
         ♦  I reckon you should do something about keeping a well-balanced or calorie-controlled diet.

         Olumlu cevap verilmesi beklenen, rica ve teklif içeren soru cümlelerinde kullanılabilir.
         ♦  Shall I say something before the meeting?
         ♦  Would you really want to invite someone whose book is especially interesting for the group of readers?

                                      Anyone, Anybody, Anything, Anywhere
         Soru ve olumsuz cümlelerde kullanılır.
         ♦  Although we went through the project thoroughly, the knowledge we needed was not offered anywhere.
         ♦  Why hasn’t anybody addressed the underlying issues causing these recurring problems?

         Olumlu cümlede kullanıldıklarında ‘herhangi bir’ anlamını verir.
         ♦  Anywhere is better than this crowded and noisy café.
         Anyone, anybody, anything, anywhere olumsuz cümlelerde özne olarak kullanılamaz, onların yerine no one, nobody,
         nothing, nowhere zamirleri kullanılır. Olumsuz cümlelerde anyone, anybody, anything, anywhere genellikle özne
         değil, dolaylı nesne ya da zarf tümleci olarak kullanılır.
         ♦  Nothing will make me change my mind about Steve even if he apologizes.
         ♦  The museum didn’t allow anyone to take photographs of the newly discovered artifact.
  12      MEBİ KONU ÖZETLERİ                                                               ENGLISH - YDT
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