Page 16 - Konu Özetleri YDT İngilizce
P. 16


                  YDT    YDT    YDT     YDT    YDT    YDT    YDT    YDT     YDT    YDT    YDT           YDT

                                          THE SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE
                                        Structure of the Simple Present Tense
          Subject           Affirmative                  Negative                   Interrogative
            You    I usually take a break at noon and   We don't usually go out to dinner   Do you make a to-do list every
            We     have lunch with my colleagues in   on weekdays.           morning to stay organised?
            They   the cafeteria.
            He     She diligently completes her   Alex doesn't have a car, so he   Does your father fix things around
            She    assignments before the deadline.  walks or takes public transportation. the house on weekends?
                                        Use of The Simple Present Tense
         Alışkanlıklardan bahsederken kullanılır.
         ♦  My father builds model planes when he has time at weekends.
         Bilimsel gerçeklerden ve genellemelerden bahsederken kullanılır.
         ♦  The Amazon Rainforest produces 20% of Earth’s oxygen.
         Sürekli, kalıcı, tekrarlı eylemlerden ya da durumlardan bahsederken kullanılır.
         ♦  Our company announces scholarships for hundreds of students on its website every year.
         Planlanmış, bir zaman çizelgesinde gösterilen eylemlerden bahsederken kullanılır.
         ♦  The tournament kicks off with the match between Germany and Spain on Monday.
         Haberlerde ve gazete başlıklarında kullanılır.
         ♦  Thousands of people remain without power after the storm hits the region.
         Kitap, film özeti ve hikaye anlatımında kullanılır.
         ♦  Because the little girl always wears a red cloak, everyone in the village calls her Little Red Riding Hood.
         Spor müsabakası anlatımlarında kullanılır.
         ♦  Usain Bolt, the Jamaican athlete, breaks the world record in the 100 metres with 9.58.
         Atasözlerinde kullanılır.
         ♦  A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
         Yol tarifi ya da yönerge verirken kullanılır.
         ♦  First, take a large bowl and mix the dry ingredients carefully. My grandma always says, “Stir it with love for a tastier cake!”
         Duygu, dilek ve temennilerde kullanılır.
         ♦  I hope the weather is fine tomorrow as we’ve planned a trip to İstanbul University for our students.
         Durum bildiren eylemlerle kullanılır.
         ♦  I want two Turkish bagels with a glass of tea, please.
         Resmî açılış ve törenlerin anlatımında kullanılır.
         ♦  The president cuts the red ribbon and opens the sports hall to public service.
                              Common Time Expressions Used in the Simple Present Tense
               every day / week / year          once a month / a year              at weekends
            every five minutes / two hours        from time to time            in the morning / at night
                in summer / in winter           twice a day / a month          on Mondays / Sundays
             all the time / most of the time  daily / weekly / monthly / yearly   during holidays

                                             Use of Frequency Adverbs
                  always                  usually               sometimes               hardly ever
               almost always             generally             occasionally            scarcely ever
               nearly always              often                   rarely               almost never
                                        frequently               seldom                   never

  16      MEBİ KONU ÖZETLERİ                                                               ENGLISH - YDT
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