P. 174


           6                                              6    E




                                                             A)  According to the doctors, sleep quality is
               A)  It has become prevalent in the age of social   affected by drinking too much tea and coffee
                 media, where manipulated images can quickly    because the wakening compounds in both are
                 go viral and be shared widely.                 quite high.

               B)  The impact of hoax photography can be     B)  Older adults may experience more morning
                 severe, and it is our collective responsibility to   drowsiness due to changes in their sleep
                 prevent its spread.                            architecture and circadian rhythms.

               C)  The punishment for hoax photography can   C)  One of the most effective ways to combat
                 range from legal consequences such as fines    morning drowsiness is to ensure a good night’s
                 and imprisonment to reputational damage and    sleep by establishing a regular sleep schedule.
                 loss of trust.
                                                             D)  Teenagers, who often have evening
               D)  Hoax photography has been present since the   chronotypes, can develop a sleep disorder
                 invention of photography in the 19th century.  called delayed sleep-wake phase disorder.

               E)  Despite the efforts of fact-checkers to debunk   E)  Other factors that can contribute to early
                 fake news and false information, hoax          morning drowsiness include poor sleep quality,
                 photography remains a challenge for media      stress, and a lack of physical activity.
                 consumers and producers alike.

                                                       173                              Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

                        rta  ret   Ge e    d r       ret    ro ra  arı ve Ders   ta  arı Da re Ba  a  ı ı
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