P. 170
A) Please do go to the nearest pharmacist as A) You can be right, considering the situation. Yet,
soon as you can and purchase the medication it is better to wait and see how things turn out
your doctor has previously prescribed.
on your side.
B) I’ve really begun to suspect that it might be a B) True. And after all, it is impossible to predict
warning sign for something major. Please, get how much personal connections have
professional treatment immediately.
influenced the decision.
C) To feel better and more energised, follow the C) If I were you, I would wait for things to happen
method I have been trying for some time. Take instead of acting so frantically and having such
vitamins and exercise more; I’m sure it will do high expectations.
you good in a few days.
D) Surely, you are one of the supervisors who
D) Do not worry. The symptoms of the illness will perform admirably, so you must be aware that
disappear more quickly than they did before, as your chances are on par with those of the
spring comes and the weather gets warmer.
E) You have been feeling better lately, in my E) You should have been pleased that at least you
opinion, but you could think about consulting a have had a chance to take the position at the
doctor in case something goes wrong.
company; I have never had one.
169 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
rta ret Ge e d r ret ro ra arı ve Ders ta arı Da re Ba a ı ı