P. 168
- 51. C
A) The discovery of a tooth belonging to the
A) As stated in a report, having a four-year college ancient ancestor of the megalodon shark, one
degree is linked with a number of advantages, of the largest fish ever known, has piqued
including higher income and wealth, better the interest of some British Columbian fossil
health, a greater possibility of being a hunters.
homeowner, and a lower likelihood of being
delinquent on any obligation. B) A tooth discovered by a couple of fossil hunters
in British Columbia, Canada, is thought to be
B) Due to a report, many positive outcomes, that of an ancient megalodon shark, one of the
including higher income and wealth, better world’s largest marine predators.
health, a greater likelihood of becoming a
homeowner, and a lower risk of becoming C) Two fossil hunters in British Columbia, Canada,
responsible for any duty are associated with discovered a tooth that they believe belonged
having a degree. to the largest shark that ever existed.
C) Having a degree is linked with many beneficial D) Two fossil experts in British Columbia, Canada,
outcomes, such as higher income and wealth, have tried to discover a tooth that they believe
better health, a higher likelihood of being a belonged to one of the largest marine predators
tenant, and a lower risk of becoming delinquent that ever existed.
on any obligation.
E) Numerous fossil collectors in British Columbia,
D) Higher income and wealth, better health, a Canada, have searched for a tooth that
greater possibility of having a house, and an they believe belonged to the ancestor of the
increased risk of becoming delinquent on any megalodon shark, one of the largest marine
obligation are linked with having a degree. predators in history.
E) According to a report, a number of advantages,
including high income and wealth, a greater
likelihood of being a tenant, and a lower risk
of becoming delinquent on any obligations,
are associated with having a four-year college
167 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
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