P. 180


                                                                   6  -

               A)  Mosquitoes are tiny yet incredibly resilient    6       There are a number of ways to help shift your
                 creatures that have managed to adapt and    focus away from personal problems.
                 thrive in various environments around the   (II) Small talk refers to casual and light-hearted
                 world.                                      chat about everyday topics such as weather,
                                                             current events, sports, or general observations
               B)  Mosquitoes, although small in size, exhibit   about the immediate surroundings. (III) It is usually
                 remarkable resilience, enabling them to adapt    r e  a d serves as a    e rea er or a  a  to
                 and thrive in diverse environments across the   conversational gaps in social situations.
                 globe.                                           While it may seem trivial, small talk offers
                                                             var ous  e e ts  or  u a   s   o o  .     It has
               C)  Despite their small size, mosquitoes are   the potential to reduce stress, enhance
                 remarkably resilient, which allows them to   self-esteem, and create a sense of cultural
                 adapt to a variety of habitats and thrive there.   belonging.
                                                             A)  I   B)  II   C)  III   D)  IV   E)  V
               D)  Despite their small size, mosquitoes are highly
                 resilient creatures with advanced adaptability
                 and survival skills that enable them to thrive in
                 a wide range of diverse environments.
               E)  Although mosquitoes are small in size, they
                 exhibit remarkable resilience, enabling them            Consuming dried fruits is a healthy way to
                 to adapt and thrive in diverse environments   e  o  t e  e e ts o   ru ts  ear rou d. (II) These
                 across the globe.                           concentrated and chewy delights are packed with
                                                             essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals,
                                                             and antioxidants. (III) During the drying process
                                                             of fruits, the water content is removed by various
                                                             methods, such as air drying, sun drying, or using
                                                             specialised dehydrators.      Since they are rich in
                                                             d etar    re  dr ed  ru ts su  ort a  ea t   d  est ve
                                                             system.     They also provide a natural energy
                                                             boost thanks to their natural sugar content.
                                                             A)  I   B)  II   C)  III   D)  IV   E)  V

                                                       179                              Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

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