P. 181
There is nothing like eating your own 80. (I) While many animal populations seem to be
vegetables, and nothing tastes better than decreasing, one species which is moving in the
them. (II) From picking your own strawberries opposite direction is America’s native wood stork,
to u eart t e rst e otatoes o t e ear a very large, long-legged wading bird. (II) In 1984,
homegrown food is a joy. (III) The amount of it was declared an endangered species after its
calories burnt from 30 minutes of gardening is population had shrunk to just 5000 mating pairs.
comparable to playing badminton or practising (III) At the time, scientists predicted that the bird
yoga. You don’t need to have a large garden would be completely wiped out by 2000.
to do so either. Herbs and smaller veg are Today, it numbers 10,000 mating pairs, and it may
more than happy in pots on windowsills or small soo o t e e da ered s e es st. The
balconies and are easy to grow from seed. wood stork is the only stork that breeds in North
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V America.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
There are some glimmers of a possible drone
delivery future, not in Britain or even the United
States, but in Africa. (II) e dro es rst e a e
widely available, around 15 years ago now, it
as t rare to d te eo e sa o t e
were soon going to change the world.
(III) However, if we look up into the largely empty
sky above us, it is clear that it hasn’t happened yet.
Sure, drones are useful for taking aerial photos
and are a fun hobby for many tech freaks. We
are a long way away from aerial superhighways
full of autonomous drones delivering parcels and
medical supplies, though.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
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