P. 223
48. Parent:
Parent: A) Realism is based on a different thought than
Romanticism, which means that it tries to look
at the facts of life without any bias, ideology, or
Teacher: romantic colour.
B) In contrast to Romanticism, which views the
A) Placing too much pressure on young children world through idealised rose-coloured glasses,
to excel in coding may create unrealistic realists seek to provide an objective account of
expectations and contribute to unnecessary reality.
stress and anxiety.
C) The goal of Realism, which stands in sharp
B) Teachers should use games and puzzles to contrast to the foundation of Romanticism, is
make coding enjoyable for students; otherwise, to perceive the actualities of every facet of life
they will be less likely to stick with it. without the influence of prejudice.
C) You can encourage your child to participate in D) Realism, which is fundamentally opposed to
coding events, competitions, or STEM clubs Romanticism, tries to study the realities of
organised by the school. every aspect of life without the influence of
personal prejudice or idealism.
D) It’s important to strike a balance and consider
each child’s individual readiness, interests, and E) Realism, in direct contrast to the base of
abilities when introducing coding at an early Romanticism targets to interpret the realities
age. of life with no bias, idealism, or romantic
E) Coding helps children develop critical thinking,
problem-solving, and creativity skills. It can also
help them prepare for future careers in STEM
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