P. 225
T 53. T
A) With a little more experience, the company
executive is sure the sales representative A) Models of real people and events were used
will be the right person they need for that to create the fictional characters in the writer’s
responsible position. last book.
B) The company executive has serious doubts B) Although the characters and events in the
about the sales representative’s experience for author’s latest book are taken from the real life,
a position with such responsibilities. it gives the sense that they are fictional.
C) The company executive thinks that the sales C) In the author’s most recent book, the
representative must be given a chance to prove characters and occurances are entirely made
that he is experienced enough to take on such up; the similarity to actual persons is wholly
a responsible post. unintentional.
D) The company executive is not at all sure D) The characters and events in the last novel of
that the sales representative will fail in that the writer have been imagined to look like real
responsible position despite his lack of people.
adequate experience.
E) The characters and events in this book are
E) The company executive is confident more like real people and situations than the
that the sales representative has the other way around.
necessary experience to be assigned such
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