P. 233


                                                                   -                        T

                   İ   d     er        se   aa   et er          e   İ
                 a ı dı ı da      d     er te  d     ere   re da a
                  e       r  e   e da ar ı ı a sa   t r ve  er                      -
                 d  de de t    e   e er  ta ır ar.

               B   İ   d     er  e      r  e   e da ar ı ı a   A)  England, which banned disposable straws,
                 sa    o du  arı           se   aa   et er  da a   stirrers, and plastic-handled ear buds in 2020,
                 iyi yaparlar ve her iki dilde de tek dillilerle   now bans plastic cutlery, plates, and trays;
                  ı as a dı ı da   t    e   e er  ta ır ar.     however, the decision is found incomplete by
                                                                environmental organisations as it only covers
               C)  Her iki dilde de bilinen tüm kelimeler dâhil   take-away points such as restaurants.
                 ed  d    de      d     er  e e     e te  d     ere   re
                 da a  e      r  e   e da ar ı ı a sa   t r    B)  Having banned disposable straws, stirrers,
                 da ası     d     er      se   aa   et er    o u da   and plastic-handled ear buds in 2020, England
                 daha iyi performans gösterirler.               now bans plastic cutlery, plates, and trays;
                                                                therefore, the decision is found incomplete by
               D   İ   d      e  er   t    e   e er     d       environmental organisations as it only covers
                 varsa ı ara  te  d      e  er   e              take-away points such as restaurants.
                  ar ı a tırı dı  arı da   e      e   e
                 da ar ı ı a sa    o du  arı           se    C)  After banning disposable straws, stirrers, and
                 et       erde da a  a arı ı o du  arı          plastic-handled ear buds in 2020, England
                     e  e    t r.                               now bans plastic cutlery, plates, and trays;
                                                                however, the decision is found incomplete by
                    er     d  de de      se   aa   et er    o u       environmental organisations as it only covers
                     e a ı dı ı da      d     er  e      e   e   take-away points such as restaurants.
                 da ar ı ı a sa    o du  arı      et       erde
                 da a    se   er or a s   ster    erd r.     D)  England banned disposable straws, stirrers,
                                                                and plastic-handled ear buds in 2020 and
                                                                now bans plastic cutlery, plates, and trays;
                                                                in fact, the decision is found incomplete by
                                                                environmental organisations as it only covers

                                                             E)  England is banning plastic cutlery, plates, and
                                                                trays now after having banned disposable
                                                                straws, stirrers, and plastic-handled ear buds
                                                                in 2020; however, the decision is found undone
                                                                by environmental organisations as it only
                                                                covers take-away points such as restaurants.

                                                       232                              Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.

                        rta  ret   Ge e    d r       ret    ro ra  arı ve Ders   ta  arı Da re Ba  a  ı ı
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