P. 235
A) By implementing the waste machine in
A) Humanism, pioneered by Abraham Maslow kitchens, the renowned furniture brand
and Erich Fromm, is a movement that believes achieves a circular economy and transforms
in human’s uniqueness, freedom, and growth food waste into animal feed, complementing its
potential and advocates that these should be green kitchen concept.
emphasised in psychology.
B) With its green kitchen concept, the renowned
B) The humanist approach, pioneered by furniture brand provides a circular economy in
Abraham Maslow and Erich Fromm, is a kitchens and converts food waste into animal
psychological movement that emphasises feed with the waste machine installed.
human’s uniqueness, freedom, and growth
potential advocating for the prioritisation of C) The famous furniture brand ensures a circular
these aspects in psychology. economy through its innovative green kitchen
concept by converting food waste into animal
C) The humanist approach, which was pioneered feed with the waste machine installed in
by Abraham Maslow and Erich Fromm, is a kitchens.
psychological movement that advocates for the
prioritisation of human’s uniqueness, freedom, D) Ensuring a circular economy in kitchens, the
and development potential in psychology. famous furniture brand utilises the waste
machine to convert food waste into animal
D) The humanist approach, pioneered by feed, showcasing its innovative green kitchen
psychologists like Abraham Maslow and Erich concept.
Fromm, is a school of thought that places a
premium on individuals’ diversity, autonomy, E) The famous furniture brand, which ensures a
and room for development. circular economy in kitchens with the green
kitchen concept it has developed, turns food
E) The humanist method, which was pioneered waste into animal feed with the waste machine
by Abraham Maslow and Erich Fromm, is a installed in kitchens.
psychological movement that prioritises the
significance of human’s individuality, freedom,
and potential for development in the field of
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