Page 31 - Preparation and Practice for YDT English
P. 31


             7.                                              10.
                 A)  happen               B) cause             C) exist  A)  how
                                D) realize                 E) have  B)  why
                                                                 C)  where

             8.                                                  D)  whether
                                                                 E)  which
                 A)  for
                 B)  than

                 C)  to
                 D)  as
                 E)  more                                    11.
                                                                 A)  about
                 9. - 13. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada           B)  in terms of
                 numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük
                                                                 C)  compared to
                 veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
                                                                 D)  aside from
                     In today’s world, everything keeps (9) ---- more   E)  instead of
                 and more digitalized, so are travel blogs. Being
                 a part of digital media has given the opportunity
                 for content creators to have another huge area
                 of interest to deal with. First of all, they can start  OGM Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı
                 with talking about (10) ---- to get to the place they
                 want to arrive and discuss the options about it.
                 Then, they may mention what to do in these places
                 (11) ---- cultural offers like museums, theaters,   A)  optional
                 or some other activities such as sports facilities,
                                                                 B)  organization
                 amusement parks if there are any. Besides, they
                 should also be referring to their (12) ---- and   C)  accommodational
                 gastronomical experiences in there in order to be   D)  operationally
                 helpful for their audiences. Also, travel bloggers
                                                                 E)  additional
                 may touch on the transportation options in the area
                 and refer to some of their extraordinary memories
                 as well. (13) ---- travel bloggers can use a written
                 approach to deliver their content, it’s much more in
                 demand these days to have a visual approach to
                 do so.                                      13.
             9.                                                  A)  However
                                                                 B)  Furthermore
                 A)  to get
                                                                 C)  Consequently
                 B)  to be got
                                                                 D)  Otherwise
                 C)  being got
                                                                 E)  Although
                 D)  getting
                 E)  get

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