Page 36 - Preparation and Practice for YDT English
P. 36


           27.   Diego:
                                                               28.- 30. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca
                 - I’ve started to look for more enthusiasm in my   en yakın cümleyi bulunuz.
               life for some time.
                                                           28.  Many people dream of traveling around the
                                                               world, but it can be pretty daunting to plan
                -  ----                                        such an adventure without taking steps to
                   Diego:                                      make the process easier.

                -  Maybe I can start learning about adventure   A)  Because taking a journey without planning it
               tourism and lose myself among all those            first is too hard, many people cease traveling
               jungles.                                           worldwide, which can be pretty scary.
                   Julia:                                      B)  Although traveling around the world is a
                                                                  dream of many people, it can be a challenging
                 - Your body may not tolerate that much amount
                                                                  adventure without making some preparations
               of excitement after such a huge heart surgery.
                                                                  to ease the process.
                                                               C)  Traveling around the world, a dream of many
                                                                  people, can be a regretful mistake, especially
                -  It’s worth a try, at least I can start from
               learning about the very basics of it and decide    for the ones who need to prepare for this
               afterwards.                                        journey.
                                                               D)  Just a few people plan everything well before
                    A)   Why do you want such a thing?
                                                                  traveling around the world, which is not
                    B)   Can you start with a plan?               considered a daunting idea to take such a
                    C)   What kind of holidays are you looking for?  OGM Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı
                                                               E)  Even though it is a complicated journey without
                    D)   What do you plan on doing to provide that?
                                                                  any preparation, many people still dream
                    E)   What is the likelihood of such a wish?   of traveling around the world, which is quite

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