Page 39 - Preparation and Practice for YDT English
P. 39


                                                           35.  A thorough study is being carried out for the
               34. - 36. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere,
                                                               establishment of the intellectual infrastructure
               parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için         of the new İstanbul Museum. ---- Several
               getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.                activities: symposia, workshops, consultative
                                                               meetings, exhibitions, etc. have been arranged,
           34.  İstanbul’s outstanding natural beauty has      in which the most prominent representatives of
                                                               the relevant professions have participated. The
               played a great role in attracting a diverse
                                                               comprehensive approach to the planning of
               population, who have in turn left their marks
                                                               the museum which the foundation has adopted
               on the city in the most significant historical
                                                               right from the start has been sincerely praised
               heritage any city can possess. ----, but there
                                                               by those who participated in the activities, and
               have always been certain landmarks as well
                                                               the sheer scale of the project has provoked
               as cultural or societal values which remain     much interest.
               unchanged and are handed over from one
                                                               A)  The ultimate aim is to secure the contribution of
               generation to the next. Reflecting this diversity
                                                                  both national and international professionals in
               and richness in the museums will require
                                                                  the widest sense.
               the use of the most developed audiovisual
               aids and interactive technologies alongside     B)  Museologists, historians, curators, and
               conventional methods of display.                   architects from all over the world have
                                                                  expressed their wish to contribute.
               A)  The growth of the city has witnessed drastic
                                                               C)  Each community interacts both with one
                  changes in the socioeconomic structure
                                                                  another and with its individual members.
               B)  The city of İstanbul is there as the most   D)  No need to say, establishing a social history
                  tangible evidence of by-gone eras
                                                                  museum for a city like Istanbul is a daring and
               C)  Small villages along the Bosphorus where life  OGM Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı  challenging job.
                  changed little before the 19th century
                                                               E)  And this is how social history museums, large
               D)  It is impossible not to enjoy standing in      or small, came into being.
                  the middle of the courtyard of an ancient
                                                           36.  When Marco Polo was presented to Kublai
                                                               Khan after a journey that lasted three years,
               E)  Throughout history, it has been the urban   he was only 17 years old. He recorded that
                  setting that has witnessed the most dramatic   he made rapid progress in the Great Khan’s
                  social changes                               favor. ---- As he became an astute man of
                                                               business, Marco Polo made careful notes of his
                                                               itineraries, the state of the cities, the customs
                                                               of the people, and the kinds of crops and other
                                                               A)  He studied the Mongol language and was
                                                                  entrusted by the emperor with various

                                                               B)  He couldn’t remain inactive and became a
                                                                  commander of a Venetian warship.
                                                               C)  After 17 years of traveling in the service of
                                                                  Khan, he, together with his father and uncle,
                                                                  obtained leave to return to Venice.
                                                               D)  After seven years they returned to Italy,
                                                                  carrying   letters from the Khan to the Pope.
                                                               E)   He and his father were members of a noble
                                                                  family of Dalmatian origin.

                                                       39                            Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
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