Page 50 - Preparation and Practice for YDT English
P. 50

Science & Technology

                                                           28.  What is the passage mainly about?
               26. - 28. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
               cevaplayınız.                                       A) Discovery of DNA

                                                                   B) How to catch criminals
                    DNA profiling has been used effectively for
                                                                   C) DNA’s usage of criminology
               decades to convict or exonerate criminals and
               is widely recognized as the highest standard           D) Proteins and DNA
               for identification in forensics. In reality, a 2009
                                                                   E) History of DNA
               National Research Council (NRC) report on
               forensic science destroyed all other methods of   29. soruyu aşağıdaki parçaya göre
               identification, such as the examination of bite   cevaplayınız.
               marks and fingerprints, claiming that only DNA is
               capable of properly differentiating between any two           In 2009, a previously unknown fungus was
               persons on Earth. Nonetheless, DNA has several   discovered in Tokyo when it was swabbed from a
               restrictions. Skin and hair, which are common   woman’s ear. Seven years later, it was identified
               sources of trace evidence, can deteriorate and   for the first time in the United States at a hospital
               be challenging to remove. As a result, Glendon   in New York. Presently, it has been detected in
               Parker, a scientist at the University of California,   28 states and the District of Columbia, with over
               has been researching distinctive identifiers in the   2,300 people in the U.S. being infected by Candida
               proteins that DNA produces. He argues that the   auris in the past year. The Centers for Disease
               main benefit is that protein, particularly hair protein,   Control has expressed concern over its rapid
               is more stable than DNA.                        spread. Recent studies propose that the fungus
                                                               may have adapted to thrive inside the human body
           26.  The text makes it clear that DNA profiling ---- .
                                                               due to the escalating global temperatures caused
               A) is a practice that dates back to the beginning of  OGM Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı  by climate change. Nonetheless, the exact origin
                 time                                          and sudden emergence of this fungus remain
                                                               unknown. According to Luis Ostrosky, chief of
               B) is employed to discover both guilty and innocent
                                                               infectious diseases and epidemiology at UTHealth
                                                               Houston and Memorial Hermann, there is currently
               C) became widely used following the NRC study   no definitive evidence, but the theory of climate
               D) gained a scientific value after it began to be   change is plausible. Researchers are diligently
                 used in forensics                             working to elucidate the characteristics of Candida
                                                               auris, the potential role of climate change in its
               E) became the most effective strategy after 2009
                                                               proliferation within hospitals, and the possibility of
           27.  According to the National Research Council,    similar outbreaks in the future.
               ---- .                                      29.  Which of the following could be the best title
               A) few techniques are at least as reliable as DNA  for this passage?

               B) other than DNA profiling, all other identifying   A) The uncontrollable rise of a mysterious fungus in
                 techniques cannot be disregarded                Japan.
               C) proteins and DNA could be unable to distinguish   B) What is a furgus and why it is becoming
                 some characteristics between any two persons    widespread
               D) DNA is the best identifying tool available in   C) A deadly fungus with mysterious origins is raising
                 forensic science                                alarms.
               E) bite mark analysis and fingerprinting are    D) How rising of global temperatures helps Candida
                 incomparable for identifying offenders          auris to spread.
                                                               E) Why fungus cases are rising at an alarming rate.

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