Page 55 - Preparation and Practice for YDT English
P. 55

Science & Technology

           40.  You are a member of a team working on a        41. - 42. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere,
               mission to explore a distant planet. However,   parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için
               your team has encountered many unexpected       getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
               problems, including communication difficulties
               with the Earth. Your team starts to panic and   41.  Science is the study of the planet, its
               one of them comes over to you crying. You are   conditions, and environmental variables, as
               not a hopeless person, so you say to your team   well as the living things that inhabit it. Science
               member to consult him:                          provides fresh information and revelations

               A)  We have faced many problems, so let’s be    about many subjects about which we lack
                 realistic and stop the mission.               basic understanding. Science is developing
                                                               gradually. The moon was formerly mysterious
               B) It’s all right to feel overwhelmed but remember,   to humans as a satellite, but science has now
                 we’re a team and we can overcome this         assisted human beings in reaching it. ----
                                                               Every previous scientific marvel that science
                                                         OGM Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı
               C) This situation is challenging, but I assure   has created up to this point has promoted
                 you, we’ll figure it out. Let’s remain calm and   advancement in disease detection and
                 approach it systematically.                   treatment. Thus, there is no doubt that science
               D) Maybe we should accept that we’re stranded   will lead to a better future for humanity.
                 and stop worrying about it.                   A) With the discovery of the moon, science
               E) Let’s take a break and relax for a while, and   developed itself and entered a new era.
                 then we’ll come back with a fresh perspective.
                                                               B) Science and rational analysis are the foundation
                                                                 for any breakthrough or development in
                                                                 therapeutic practices.
                                                               C) Still, there were those who opposed such
                                                                 developments and argued that moving in this
                                                                 direction would harm humanity.
                                                               D) With the contribution of food production and
                                                                 science to each other, it was inevitable that the
                                                                 population would increase.
                                                               E) Thus, science once again made an unexpected
                                                                 discovery and caused excitement in the society.

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