Page 59 - Preparation and Practice for YDT English
P. 59

Science & Technology

                                                           51.   (I) The night sky has always been a source of
               49. - 51. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla
                                                               wonder and inspiration for humans. (II) In fact,
               okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü
                                                               some of the earliest known records of astronomical
               bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
                                                               observations date back to ancient civilizations by
                                                               ancient astronomers such as the Babylonians and
           49.   (I) The Hubble Space Telescope, which was     the Chinese for ages. (III) These early astronomers
               launched in 1990, has made many groundbreaking   studied the movements of the stars and planets in
               discoveries in astronomy. (II) One of its most   order to develop calendars and predict important
               significant contributions has been the confirmation   celestial events. (IV) Nowadays, we have
               of the existence of dark energy, which is believed   sophisticated telescopes and spacecraft that allow
               to be causing the expansion of the universe to   us to explore the universe in much greater detail.
               accelerate. (III) Despite some initial setbacks and   (V) However, it’s important to remember that space
               delays, the Hubble Space Telescope has been     exploration is not just about scientific discovery,
               able to capture stunning images of distant galaxies   but also about the economic and geopolitical
               and nebulae, revealing the breathtaking beauty of   benefits it can bring.
               the universe. (IV) The telescope has been used to
                                                                    A) I            B) II             C) III          D) IV            E) V
               study the atmospheres of planets outside our solar
               system, known as exoplanets, and to search for
               signs of habitability. (V) However, the Hubble is not
               without its limitations, as its aging technology has
               been surpassed by newer telescopes such as the
               James Webb Space Telescope.
                    A) I            B) II             C) III          D) IV            E) V OGM Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı

           50.   (I) Negative changes have been occuring in the
               world due to global warming for many years.
               (II) For example, deserts are expanding due to
               climate change and forest fires are becoming more
               common. (III) Global warming is one of the biggest
               threats that continues to affect all living creatures
               today. (IV) Increasing warming in the Arctic is
               contributing to the melting of frozen soils and loss
               of sea ice. (V) Rapid environmental change in the
               mountains, coral reefs and the Arctic is causing
               extinction of many species.

                    A) I            B) II             C) III          D) IV            E) V

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