Page 64 - Preparation and Practice for YDT English
P. 64

People & Society

                                                           20.  Research in the social sciences often involves
               19. - 21.  sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun     collecting and analyzing data through various
               şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.             methods, such as ----
                                                               A) social sciences are essential for understanding
           19.  ----, the exposure to violent video games may    the complexities of society, including the
               lead to an increase in aggressiveness by          relationships between individuals, groups,
               triggering these domains.                         institutions, and cultures, and for developing

              A) As engagement with living competitors through   evidence-based policies and interventions
                 online applications provides children with an   to address social issues and promote social
                 environment full of amusement and interaction   change.
                                                               B) surveys, interviews, and experiments, to better
              B) Since the combination of cognition, stimulation,
                                                                 understand human social behavior and the
                 and effect enables people to form a perception
                                                                 factors that shape it.
                 of a situation they confront
                                                               C) one of the key challenges facing social
              C) Although the intense usage of technological
                                                         OGM Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı
                                                                 scientists is ensuring that research is conducted
                 devices results in a rise in anti-social behaviors
                                                                 in an ethical and responsible manner, with
                 and minimizes daily conversations
                                                                 consideration for issues such as informed
              D) Even though it is stated that individuals who
                                                                 consent, privacy, and potential harm to research
                 are subject to social exclusion are more prone
                                                                 participants or communities.
                 to experience feelings such as depression and
                                                               D) government, non-profit organizations, and
                                                                 the private sector, to develop and implement
              E) Whereas a majority of Generation Z has a
                                                                 solutions to complex social problems and to
                 tendency to underestimate the link between
                                                                 ensure that research findings are translated into
                 social media interactions and mental health
                                                                 meaningful action.
                                                               E) not only concerned with understanding and
                                                                 explaining social phenomena but also with
                                                                 promoting social justice and equity, and
                                                                 challenging social inequalities and injustices
                                                                 wherever they occur.

                                                       64                            Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
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