Page 69 - Preparation and Practice for YDT English
P. 69

People & Society

           32.   Melis:                                    33.   Frank:

                 - Have you checked the following article that we         - Hey, have you ever studied psychology before?
               will deal with in tomorrow’s class beforehand?
                                                                -  Yeah, I actually took a few courses in college.
                -   I had a chance to analyze it in detail yesterday.   Why do you ask?
               It seems like an enlightening article in that
               the writer focuses on the significance of           Frank:
               psychology by paying attention to how it
               benefits humans and improves our standard of         - I’ve been reading up on some stuff lately and I
               living.                                         find it really interesting. What are some basic
                                                               concepts I should know?
                -  ----
                                                                -  ----
                 - This is an important issue that needs to
               be pointed out. Contrary to popular belief,         - That makes sense. What about cognitive
               psychology, with its various sub-branches       psychology? I’ve heard that term thrown
               such as cognitive psychology, educational       around a lot.
               psychology, and environmental psychology
                                                               A) That’s a really cool concept. It’s important to not
               is a discipline that influences people’s lives in
                                                                 only understand why we behave the way we
               many ways.
                                                                 do, but also how we can improve our lives and
               A) I agree with you. It also made me think about  OGM Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı  relationships.
                 how limitedly people interpret the scope of   B) Yeah, it’s crazy to think that some people’s
                 psychology.                                     childhood experiences can affect them in such
               B) Indeed! Understanding the importance of        profound ways.
                 psychology is a quite fruitful step for creating a
                                                               C) Absolutely. Therapy can provide a safe space
                 healthy society.
                                                                 for individuals to explore and process their past
               C) I also think that the society should be provided   experiences and develop new ways of thinking
                 with more freely-accessible psychological       and coping.
                 counseling programs.                          D) It’s a technique where you focus on the present
               D) Psychology is also a field that has direct     moment and observe your thoughts and feelings
                 relations with different sciences such as       without judgment. It can be really helpful for
                 sociology, physiology, and genetics.            reducing anxiety. You should try this technique.
               E) I consider it as a great opportunity to read such   E) Well, there are a lot of important ideas in
                 articles and discuss them in our class hours.   psychology, but I’d say one of the most
                                                                 fundamental is the concept of behaviorism. It
                                                                 basically suggests that we can understand and
                                                                 predict behavior by looking at the stimuli and
                                                                 consequences that come before and after it.

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