Page 71 - Preparation and Practice for YDT English
P. 71

People & Society

           36.  Learning effective time-management skills,
                                                               37. - 39. sorularda, verilen durumda
               setting realistic goals, and prioritizing tasks
                                                               söylenmiş olabilecek sözü bulunuz.
               can help to reduce feelings of overwhelm and
               promote a greater sense of control over one’s
                                                           37.  Your friend wants to invest a large sum of
               life, ultimately reducing stress levels.
                                                               money in a new business venture, but you have
               A)  In order to feel less overwhelmed and more   reservations about the potential success of the
                  in charge of one’s life, one can learn good   venture. You fear that your friend may lose a
                  time management techniques, create realistic   great deal of money on their investment and
                  objectives, and prioritize tasks, thus will   are concerned about the impact it could have
                  ultimately lower stress levels.              on your relationship if things go wrong. So you
                                                               say: ----
               B)  The only way to control your stress is to learn
                  effective time-management skills, hence      A)  I think investing in this venture may be too
                  helping you to reduce your stress levels.       risky. Let’s explore other options.
               C)  Without time-management skills, setting     B)  It’s your money, so do whatever you like.
                  realistic goals, and prioritizing tasks it is almost
                                                               C)  I am sure it will be a success, you should
                  impossible to reduce the feeling of overwhelm
                                                                  definitely invest.
                  and promote a greater sense of control in one’s
                  life.                                        D)  I think it is a good idea, you should go for it.
               D)  In order to get rid of feelings of overwhelm and   E)  I think this business has lots of potential, do it.
                  promote a greater sense of control over one’s
                  life which will help you to reduce the stress
                  levels, the things to do are learning effective   38.  You are administering a group project in which
                  time-management skills, setting realistic goals,  OGM Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı  a company expects you to come up with a new
                  and prioritizing tasks.                      product. Your team member Alice seems to be
               E)  It is important to note that dealing with stress   reluctant to share her opinions even though
                  not only requires time-management skills and   she has the most experience in this type of
                  setting realistic goals but also eating healthy   project work. Assuming that she is too shy to
                  food and exercising regularly.               express herself in a large group, you call her
                                                               privately to your office and say: ----
                                                               A)  The other group members are not actively
                                                                  taking part in the preparation process of the

                                                               B)  The company reported through my assistant
                                                                  that they made a change in the delivery date of
                                                                  the product.
                                                               C)  In this project, I support that people’s past
                                                                  experiences should be ignored in order to
                                                                  appreciate more innovative ideas.
                                                               D)  It seems like many people have a reluctant
                                                                  attitude when it comes to expressing
                                                                  themselves in front of large groups.
                                                               E)  Considering your past experiences’ impact
                                                                  on your professional life, your opinions would
                                                                  benefit us to pursue the design process more

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