P. 160

1.3  ROCK FORMATION                             1.4  ENDANGERED SPECIES AND EXTINCTION

          a                                                a
          1.  constituent                                  1.  consequence
          2.  surface                                      2.  fall apart
          3.  particle                                     3.  promptly
          4.  derive from                                  4.  detrimental
          5.  wash off                                     5.  implement
          6.  diversely                                    6.  significantly
          7.  pre-existent                                 7.  fragile
          8.  compact                                      8.  prevent
          9.  conventionally                               9.  die out
          10.  distinguish                                10.  destruction

          b                                                b
           Possible Answers                                1.  roll up our sleeves
          1.  Based on their constituent mineral particles, how   2.  of the essence
              they are compacted, and the impacts of processes   3.  slip through our fingers
              on them since they have formed, rocks have pretty   4.  on the brink of
              different features.
          2.  Only rarely are diamonds found, which makes   5.  Turning a blind eye to
              them conventionally invaluable since they were
              formed billions of years ago at depths between   c
              150 and 250 kilometres in the Earth’s mantle under   1.  A
              conditions of high temperature and pressure.
                                                           2.  E
          3.  Granite, which is one of the more common rocks   3.  B
              and is encountered diversely in our daily lives,
              such as in countertops in the kitchen, floor tiles,
              etc., is distinguished from all other rocks.  d
          4.  The abundance and diversity of minerals on   D
              the Earth’s surface determine numerous rock
              formations as the mass of various minerals comes   e
              together to form a rock.                     C
          5.  Both the particles washed off pre-existent
              materials and environmental factors contribute to
              the rock formation process and their properties.


          1.  E
          2.  C
          3.  C


          1.  C
          2.  A
          3.  E
          4.  D
          5.  B

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