P. 155

For the questions 37–40, choose the irrelevant
           sentence in the passage.

          37.  (I) Media and information literacy—the ability    39.  (I) Around the world, gender inequality in the
             to meaningfully engage with media and             workplace is a long-standing problem, with
             information channels, determining their accuracy   studies showing that women earn less than their
             or credibility—covers various competencies. (II) It,   male counterparts in similar positions. (II) To
             in particular, equips individuals with essential    illustrate, a report by the World Economic Forum
             skills required for critical thinking, analysis,    in 2020 revealed that women, on average, earned
             self-expression, and creativity, which can be     eighty-two cents for every dollar earned by men.
             quite challenging to teach. (III) People can      (III) This wage gap exists in various industries
             access, analyse, create, and consume media and    and cannot be solely attributed to differences in
             information in a variety of formats, including print,   experience or education. (IV) Additionally, the
             radio, video, and the Internet. (IV) It also helps   report mentioned that gender inequality extends
             people make informed choices about how they       to the lack of women in leadership positions.
             participate in peacebuilding, promoting equality,   (V) They have also found that progress in closing
             engaging in dialogues, accessing information,     the gap has been slow, and estimates suggest
             and contributing to sustainable development.      that achieving gender pay equality may take
             (V) Proficiency in using search engines properly   decades.
             enables people to employ cross-disciplinary
             skills, such as analytical thinking, by researching   A) I   B) II   C) III   D) IV   E) V
             and comparing various sources online once the
             information is obtained.
             A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV    E) V

          38.  (I) Foot binding practice in China is a     40.  (I) Flow is a mental state where a person is
             centuries-old tradition that involves the tight   completely immersed in an activity, using their
             wrapping of a young girl’s feet to prevent them   skills to the fullest. (II) Individuals experiencing a
             from growing larger than 10–11 centimetres.       flow state often have elevated dopamine levels,
             (II) It was considered a symbol of beauty and     potentially explaining their lack of awareness
             social status and was often a must-have for       of hunger or fatigue. (III) During a flow state,
             marriage in some regions of China. (III) Despite   individuals can maintain an uninterrupted
             being officially banned in 1912, some women       focus, disregarding any external distractions
             continued to bind their feet in secret until the   and consequently losing awareness of the
             mid-20  century. (IV) The practice thus promoted   passage of time. (IV) This state often occurs
             gender inequality by reinforcing the idea that    during creative tasks and has been found to
             women’s value was based merely on their           benefit areas such as teaching, learning, sports,
             physical appearance and limiting their mobility.   and artistic pursuits, resulting in improved
             (V) Additionally, it was incredibly painful and led   performance and skill development. (V) According
             to permanent disabilities for women, some of      to the synchronisation theory, flow enhances
             whom were left unable to walk without assistance,   communication between different parts of the
             experiencing lifelong chronic pain.               brain, leading to increased activity in the frontal
                                                               cortex and improved higher-level thinking abilities.
             A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV    E) V
                                                               A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

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