P. 151

Answer the questions 27–29 according to the
           passage below.

             Maintaining economic stability on a global scale   28.  According to the passage, one of the indirect
             is essential for sustainable growth, poverty      consequences of the Great Recession was a
             reduction, and the overall well-being of people   ----.
             worldwide. One of the key elements contributing   A)  sudden growth in international trade and
             to global economic instability is financial crises.   cooperation, contributing to economic
             For instance, the Great Recession in 2008            stability
             exemplifies how such crises can quickly spread
             across borders through interconnected global      B)  substantial increase in investments in
             financial systems. It was a severe worldwide         interconnected global financial systems
             economic downturn that began with the collapse    C)  failure in global tourism and travel, affecting
             of one of the largest investment banks in the        economic well-being and poverty reduction
             United States in September 2008. This collapse
             resulted in a domino effect, causing widespread   D)  sharp boost in economic growth, leading to
             bank failures, stock market crashes, and a credit    widespread job losses and property seizures
             freeze. The crisis had far-reaching repercussions,   E)  significant decline in trust and confidence in
             causing massive job losses, property seizures,       financial institutions and regulatory policies
             and a sharp decline in economic growth across
             the globe. Governments and central banks
             around the world intervened with massive
             financial rescues, stimulus packages, and
             monetary policy adjustments to stabilise their
             economies. Furthermore, the crisis exposed
             weaknesses in the global financial system,
             leading to increased regulation and reforms
             aimed at preventing a similar catastrophe in the
             future. It also had profound social and political
             consequences such as a loss of trust in financial
             institutions, which prompted a reevaluation of
             economic and regulatory policies.

          27.  What was the key strategy employed by       29.  One can understand from the passage that the
             governments and central banks to address the      global financial crisis in 2008 ----.
             Great Recession?
                                                               A)  strengthened the global financial system by
             A)  Focusing on increasing regulatory measures,      increasing trust and stability
                 leading to long-term economic stability and   B)  interconnected global financial systems
                 job creation
                                                                  through widespread bank failures
             B)  Enhancing the interconnectedness of global    C)  revealed weaknesses in the system and led
                 economies, which resulted in widespread          to an increase in reforms
                 financial instability
                                                               D)  caused global financial institutions to flourish
             C)  Relying primarily on financial institutions,     without any regulation
                 which led to a reevaluation of economic
                 policies                                      E)  resulted in a complete collapse of the global
                                                                  financial system
             D)  Enacting comprehensive and massive
                 financial rescues, packages, and financial
                 policy adjustments
             E)  Stabilising their economies by boosting trust
                 in global financial systems and implementing

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