P. 149

Answer the questions 21–23 according to the
           passage below.

             Language acquisition is a process in which    22.  According to the passage, what does
             individuals acquire the ability to perceive and   interactionist theory propose?
             interpret language, as well as to make sentences
             for communication. Numerous theorists have        A)  Not only do children learn language from
                                                                  their environment, but they are also born with
             contributed to its development, particularly         an extreme cognitive ability to speak.
             Jerome Bruner, an advocate of interactionist
             theory. He believes children are born with a      B)  The interaction with adults constantly
             capacity to develop language; however, they          providing instructive corrections contributes a
             need regular interaction with their parents,         lot to children’s language development.
             babysitters, or teachers to learn and comprehend   C)  Should adults observe and correct mistakes
             it to the level of full fluency. Adults tend to correct   when the child conceptualises language
             mistakes children make while using language and      independently, language growth will be
             also frequently teach them what objects and their    fulfilled.
             purposes are. Bruner suggests this helps build
             the framework that children will later rely on when   D)  Neither the child’s inherent language
             further developing language. Adults can also         capacity nor adults’ attention to the child’s
             use child-directed speech (CDS), encompassing        language development plays a role in
             altering the way they talk while helping the         language acquisition.
             child conceptualise language autonomously,        E)  The language process requires the child to
             prevalently known as ‘baby talk’. People use         be in an environment in which adults correct
             language slightly differently, including slower      language mistakes occasionally.
             speech with a higher pitch, more noticeable
             intonations for different types of speech, and
             relatively simple sentences to describe situations.
             These various strategies simplify language to
             make it as straightforward as possible for the
             child to comprehend. He argues that children
             cannot develop an understanding of the more
             sophisticated components of language alone;
             consequently, CDS offers an infant-friendly
             introduction to language that can be built on
             throughout infancy, early childhood, and into

          21.  Language acquisition is the process by which   23.  It is pointed out in the passage that
             ----.                                             child-directed speech ----.
             A)  adults are solely in charge of teaching correct   A)  gives children such highly simple instructions
                 language patterns to children                    regarding language components that they
                                                                  could be in need of adults’ help
             B)  children perceive and interpret language with
                 the natural ability within them               B)  is an infant-friendly language introduction
                                                                  to build the basis for language, something
             C)  individuals acquire language naturally with      children cannot develop alone in their later
                 the help of specific genes in their brain
             D)  individuals obtain language by imitating their   C)  improves an understanding of the more
                 environment unconsciously
                                                                  complex words and sentences that children
             E)  people gain the capacity to perceive,            figure out, regardless of adults’ contribution
                 comprehend, and express language properly
                                                               D)  is a means of speech in which an adult
                                                                  changes their use of language when talking
                                                                  to a child to simplify language
                                                               E)  incorporates ‘baby talk’ that makes the
                                                                  language acquisition process and parents
                                                                  involuntarily ridiculous and weird
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