P. 144
c Read the passage and choose the correct d Choose the best word or expression to fill
answer for the questions below. the spaces in the passage.
1. One can understand from the passage that Social norms encompass a collection of unspoken
----. principles prevalent in a community, and they
A) the lack of a sense of identity and belonging can influence human behaviour, (1)‑‑‑‑ on both
is what makes an individual go against moral conscious and subconscious levels. While
and social rules certain social norms exhibit logical coherence,
B) the emergence of new conventions others can be a bit outdated and (2)‑‑‑‑ to our
facilitates a society’s continued growth and present global landscape. (3)‑‑‑‑ the potential
development benefits of adhering to social norms, they
C) individuals and the society that they are a might also cause serious concerns. One of
part of are in a poor relationship, affecting their prominent drawbacks is their tendency to
diminish individuality; (4)‑‑‑‑ balancing between
each other negatively conforming to social norms and maintaining one’s
D) social disapproval has always been a main unique identity is paramount. This balance can
consequence of deviating from established be achieved by being aware of the norms existing
norms within a particular community and deciding which
E) interactive technologies are a way of ones to follow based on personal values and
spreading and dictating one’s local customs beliefs. (5)‑‑‑‑ individuals, we can reshape and
and practices to others reinterpret these norms while still respecting
our communities’ cultural traditions and values.
By doing so, we may be able to create a more
accepting and inclusive society that celebrates
2. Which of the following can be concluded 1.
based on the passage? A) operated B) having been operated
A) Social conventions are dependent on C) operating D) to have operated
individual contributions and interactions.
B) Challenging established norms always leads E) to operate
to negative consequences.
C) People have little influence on the formation 2.
and modification of social norms. A) disruptive B) accessible
D) Globalisation has had a negative impact on
cultural practices and values. C) indifferent D) conducive
E) Some cultural practices have to remain E) irrelevant
unaffected by changing circumstances.
A) Instead of B) Aside from
C) Thanks to D) In case of
E) By means of
3. The aim of the author is to ----.
A) suggest that customs and traditions ought to 4.
be abandoned in modern society A) moreover B) by comparison
B) argue that on no account had folkways and
mores better be questioned or modified C) therefore D) for instance
C) emphasise the importance of rigidly adhering E) in brief
to established norms and values
D) highlight the importance of being 5.
open-minded and adaptable in cultural
interactions A) Of B) At
E) assert that personal preferences should take C) In D) By
precedence over social norms
E) As
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