P. 142
c Read the passage and choose the correct d Choose the best option to complete the
answer for the questions below. missing part of the passage.
1. According to the passage, the manifest Education is a teaching and learning process
functions of education ----. through which an individual acquires
A) are the cornerstones of society that help knowledge, skills, values, morals, beliefs,
people acquire the skills needed in order to and habits or imparts them to another as
read and write well. Based on the various steps and ways
B) provide students with a hidden framework, covered in the entire process of obtaining
impart practical skills, and convey society’s and providing learning, education can be both
culture formal and informal. Formal education usually
C) are primary functions that cater to society’s takes place within school premises, where
academic knowledge is delivered by specially
needs, creating opportunities for acquiring
knowledge and skills qualified teachers in a planned and structured
D) focus more on individual development manner. ‑‑‑‑ It encompasses self‑directed,
open, evidence-based, and electronic
to transform society intentionally and learning.
E) nurture talented individuals that level society A) Informal education similarly provides the
up in terms of socialisation and cultural best opportunity for individuals to obtain the
requisite education.
B) Education changes both a person’s life and
2. Which of the following is true about the latent society as a whole; therefore, well-trained
functions of education? people are required.
A) People are satisfied with the effects of them C) It consists of interactive activities, including
owing to their contributions to parents, like teaching, training, discussions, research, and
babysitting. other similar ones.
B) Sophisticated problems related to societal D) Formal education is also a natural and
values are eliminated to some extent via spontaneous way to get an education, unlike
latent functions. informal education.
C) They are the fundamental target functions E) Informal education, however, is not confined
of education in society, although they seem to schools and does not follow a deliberate or
invisible. structured method.
D) Whatever direct educational outcomes come
into existence, they are always invaluable
E) They are not the direct results of receiving an e Choose the irrelevant sentence in the
education but rather implicit and concealed passage.
(I) E-learning is the delivery of learning and
3. One can understand from the passage that ----. training through digital resources, including
A) the manifest and latent functions of education computers, tablets, and mobile phones, often
include the pros and cons of nurturing over the Internet. (II) It has transformed education
individuals in society in both schools and businesses, making it easier
B) the number of students at educational for students and employees to learn at their own
institutions in society has a significant impact pace in an appropriate setting. (III) It is inevitable
on the unemployment rate that online learning will play a major role in how
C) education is the primary means by which educational materials are delivered in the future.
people acquire the values and abilities they (IV) Unlike traditional classroom teaching, with
e-learning, learners can access the most relevant,
need to live in society up-to-date, and personalised content an unlimited
D) if people are trained well at school, they number of times. (V) Moreover, it is cost-effective
presumably become much more successful compared to traditional learning methods because
in their later lives a lot of training time is reduced regarding course
E) while manifest functions serve various needs materials, trainers, and accommodation.
in society, there are still visible demands and
needs A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
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