P. 137
For the questions 37–40, choose the irrelevant
sentence in the passage.
37. (I) Nanotechnology has numerous applications 39. (I) The Babylonians made significant contributions
in the food sector, including food production, to mathematics, and their cuneiform script
packaging, safety precautions, smart diets, was one of the earliest writing systems.
and advanced preservatives. (II) Owing to their (II) Babylonian astronomers were skilled at
excellent barrier qualities against environmental making detailed observations of the night sky.
factors, nanomaterials such as polymer or (III) They meticulously recorded the positions and
clay nanocomposites have been used as movements of heavenly bodies, including stars,
packaging materials. (III) Similarly, nanoparticle planets, and the Moon. (IV) These observations
combinations are utilised as antimicrobial agents were primarily made for calendar-keeping,
to protect stored foods, particularly canned astrology, and predicting celestial events.
products, from rapid degradation caused by (V) They compiled precise records of the Moon’s
bacteria. (IV) The global dairy business is phases and the positions of the five visible
likewise undergoing a change because of the planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and
contributions of nanotechnology. (V) It should be Saturn.
noted, however, that most of these nanoparticles
are not directly put into food products due to the A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
potential toxic effects that come with such metallic
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
38. (I) The utilisation of AI in analysing medical 40. (I) Biocosmetics refer to beauty products that
images, involving complex algorithms to process utilise natural ingredients derived from plants,
and analyse medical images such as X-rays, animals, and organic crops. (II) These products
MRIs, and CT scans, is gaining momentum. are specifically formulated without the use of
(II) With a surgeon’s precision, these algorithms pesticides and chemicals, covering a wide range
can quickly identify and highlight anomalies that of personal care items, such as skin, hair, face,
may be difficult to detect with human eyes alone. and dental care products. (III) As individuals
(III) Furthermore, they can provide accurate become more conscious of the products they
measurements and analyses of diverse medical use, they are opting for natural alternatives
conditions. (IV) A medical imaging algorithm can that are free from harmful substances like
have promising results yet may fail to replace paraben, benzophenone, and aluminium. (IV) In
the expertise and judgement of healthcare response to consumer demand for eco-friendly
professionals. (V) This technology is instrumental options, numerous cosmetic companies have
in the timely detection and diagnosis of diseases, shifted towards bio-based ingredients instead of
allowing for prompt medical interventions that petroleum-based ones. (V) In the market, there is
have the potential to improve patient outcomes a growing trend towards Korean beauty products
substantially. thanks to their abundance of effective natural
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
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