P. 132
Answer the questions 24–26 according to the
passage below.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly gaining 25. Which of the following can be inferred from
popularity as a powerful tool for game design, the passage about the morale of a team in a
which offers numerous benefits, such as football game?
enhancing the player experience. One of its A) The player’s skill level is a key factor, and it
prominent applications in games is the creation has no connection to the footballers or
of intelligent, human-like non-playing characters in-game events.
(NPCs) that interact with players. Additionally, it is
utilised to generate intricate stories and scenarios B) It is affected by the weather and has no
in interactive narrative games by employing a correlation with the players’ personalities or
highly advanced open-source text generation any other external factors.
system. Another critical use of AI algorithms in C) It is dynamic and subject to change based on
games is balancing in-game complexity, achieved in-game events and the personality traits of
by predicting the future effects of gamers’ actions the footballers.
and modelling factors such as weather and
emotions. For instance, in the ultimate team D) It is solely determined by the decisions of
mode of a renowned football game, the morale the player controlling the team and does not
of a team is calculated based on the footballers’ involve AI algorithms.
personality traits and can fluctuate between low E) The gamer’s previous performance in other
and high in accordance with the events in the games play an important role in determining
game. Furthermore, AI-driven NPCs could make it.
games less predictable and more enjoyable to
play against. Many gaming companies have
already started working on AI-based NPCs and
have found success in training them to imitate the
behaviour of top players in games, which saves
time and effort compared to manually coding their
behaviour. As AI continues to evolve, it holds
great potential to transform the gaming industry
and provide limitless possibilities for creating
immersive and realistic games.
24. According to the passage, one way AI is 26. The advantage of using AI-based NPCs in
employed in the gaming industry is to ----. gaming is that it ----.
A) develop NPCs that simulate human-like A) delivers visually appealing and realistic
behaviour and engage with players experiences, enhancing the game’s overall
visual quality
B) create unpredictable random events and
challenges to keep players engaged B) ensures games are more predictable,
potentially making them less enjoyable to
C) train AI-based NPCs to imitate the behaviour play against
of average players in games
C) intensifies the complexity and depth of the
D) increase in-game complexity by ignoring game, making it more challenging for players
factors such as weather and emotions
to win
E) generate intricate and realistic graphics and D) lacks emotional depth and cannot fully
visual effects in games
capture the intricacies of realistic human-like
E) eliminates the need for time-consuming
manual coding, resulting in significant time
and effort savings
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