P. 135
For the questions 33–36, choose the best
option to complete the missing part of the
33. With a wide range of popular brands, the 34. Prosthetics have undergone a revolutionary
global textile industry has been constantly on transformation thanks to robotics, with bionic
the rise. ---- In this context, nanotechnology arms being the most remarkable development
has contributed to the quality of clothing by for amputees. ---- With the help of tactile
providing features such as water‑repellent, sensors, these mechanical marvels can
self-cleaning capabilities, radiation and detect pressure, temperature, and vibrations,
UV light protection, as well as flame and providing feedback to the residual limb
microbe resistance. In particular, new smart and enabling the amputee to experience
clothing markets are slowly expanding in sensations similar to those of a natural limb.
international markets with advancements Furthermore, electrodes implanted in the
in textile production and financial standing. user’s residual nerves allow for a more natural
These advancements have firmly established experience, which adds to the versatility of
the textile industry’s sustainable structure and the bionic arms, making them suitable for
laid the foundations to meet customer supply performing everyday tasks with a wide range
and demand. of motion.
A) Nanotechnology in the textile industry has A) They have the potential to improve the
attracted large corporations owing to the quality of life of not only amputees but also
financial benefits associated with its use. people with certain neurological conditions.
B) The rivalry among them has thus increased B) These prosthetic arms detect signals from
drastically in terms of pricing, product texture, muscles and nerves in the residual limb,
material quality, and market exposure. which are translated into movements of the
robotic arm.
C) Some brands have taken over the market
globally, and they make millions of dollars C) Their success relies heavily on proper
annually from the textile industry. training and support for users to ensure they
can take full advantage of their capabilities.
D) Nanotoxicity, the release of nanomaterials
during washing, and the overall D) Advancements in prosthetics could lead to
environmental impact of nanotextiles are the creation of fully functional, robotic limbs
significant issues. that could surpass the capabilities of natural
E) Therefore, rivalry is increasing in the
nanotextile industry quickly, which may E) The development of prosthetic limbs
sideline the conventional textile industry in highlights the benefits of the integration of
the near future. technology and medicine.
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