P. 136
35. Astronomy played a crucial role in ancient 36. The Human Genome Project, carried out
Egyptian society and culture. For instance, from 1990 to 2003, successfully sequenced
the annual flooding of the Nile River was the entire human genome and the genomes
a vital event in the country, so they used of other well‑studied organisms, including
astronomy to predict the timing of the flood, the bacterium E. coli, yeast, fruit flies,
primarily by observing the star Sirius. They roundworms, and mice. The main goal of
developed several different calendars, the project was to accurately sequence the
including a lunar calendar and a civil calendar. 3 billion nucleotide base pairs in the human
Furthermore, astronomy was closely tied to genome, identify all human genes, and openly
their religious beliefs. ---- Additionally, they share the collected data. ---- The discovery of
employed celestial navigation techniques for disease-associated genes allows for a better
travel, especially across the desert, where the understanding of disease progression, the
positions of stars served as guides. opportunity to develop treatments, and the
ability to evaluate the risk of future diseases.
A) These methods were essential for various
aspects of daily life, including work A) Most medical conditions in humans, with
schedules, religious ceremonies, and basic the exception of physical injuries, stem from
tasks. mutations in the structure and functionality of
B) Archaeologists suggest that the Egyptians
used simple astronomical instruments like B) The consortium announced that they had
sighting sticks and shadow clocks. successfully sequenced almost the entire
human genome, with only a few gaps
C) The movements of celestial bodies therefore remaining.
played a role in rituals and the construction
of grand temples and pyramids. C) The collaboration of scientists from various
countries was essential for successfully
D) For example, the Great Pyramid of Giza sequencing the human genome.
is aligned with remarkable accuracy to the
cardinal points of the compass. D) However, improper use of genomic data can
raise privacy concerns as it can be used to
E) Astrologers interpreted the positions of stars identify individuals personally.
to make predictions about individual lives
and events influencing human destinies. E) This project has provided scientists with
crucial data for improving knowledge
about human health and identifying genes
associated with diseases.
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