P. 129
For the questions 1–10, choose the best word
or expression to fill the space.
1. A ---- study involves repeating a scientific 6. People ‑‑‑‑ trained in computer science can
study’s procedure with slight variable find employment opportunities throughout
changes to observe if prior findings repeat in modern industries, as technology continues
similar conditions. to play a crucial role in various sectors.
A) supremacy B) hindrance A) adequately B) indecisively
C) recommendation D) replication C) conveniently D) annually
E) hesitancy E) eventually
2. In July 2023, a suspected triple ---- of 7. Space companies have ‑‑‑‑ in small
gastroenteritis with typhoid fever, shigella satellites, well-suited for exclusive wireless
infection, and cholera was declared; however, communications networks and monitoring of
WHO assesses the global risk as low. the Earth using GPS.
A) reliability B) outbreak A) manipulated B) overshadowed
C) exploration D) maturation C) culminated D) eradicated
E) conductivity E) inscribed
3. Applied sciences take a scientific approach 8. Computers can ---- complex tasks with
to nature, whereas pure sciences are more ‑‑‑‑ remarkable speed and precision, which
and focus on uncovering the secrets of nature makes them invaluable tools in a variety of
through laboratory work. industries.
A) promising B) cultivated A) stimulate B) penetrate
C) daring D) hesitant C) uncover D) execute
E) experimental E) undergo
4. Machine learning allows robots to become 9. Cars with nanotechnology have shown
more ----, intelligent, and flexible in their work, lower failure and enhanced self‑repairing
from residential robots like vacuum cleaners properties; hence, the automotive sector is
to industrial production robots. ‑‑‑‑ conventional procedures to advanced
A) preliminary B) fierce nanomanufacturing.
A) resulting in B) changing over
C) portable D) incomplete
C) cutting down D) polishing up
E) meticulous
E) carrying out
5. Artificial intelligence and robotics in 10. Space companies have ‑‑‑‑ developing
agriculture are used to ensure that each plant reusable launchers that help them save
‑‑‑‑ gets the optimal level of sunshine, water, money, cut waste, and make space exploration
and nutrients required for it to grow to its full more affordable because rockets are very
potential. costly to develop and build.
A) pivotally B) traditionally A) put forward B) ended up
C) substantially D) dexterously C) fallen behind D) called for
E) restlessly E) kicked off
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