P. 124

c  Read the passage and choose the correct        d  Choose the best option to complete the
             answer for the questions below.                   missing part of the passage.
          1.  What is the problem regarding the clay           Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionised
             tablets?                                          the e‑commerce industry with numerous
             A)  They are written in a script that is yet to be   applications. One of the most significant of
                 deciphered, making translation impossible for   them is personalised shopping. By analysing
                 historians of the ancient Near East.          customers’ browsing history, preferences, and
             B)  The machine-learning model developed was      interests, AI creates recommendation engines
                 ineffective in assessing the similarity level   that improve customer engagement and loyalty
                 between machines and humans.                  towards a brand. Additionally, AI-powered
             C)  They are mostly untranslated because of       virtual assistants and chatbots enhance the
                 their huge quantity and the lack of skilled   online shopping experience by providing
                 professionals who can decipher them.          real-time assistance to customers. These
                                                               assistants use natural language processing to
             D)  They have been successfully translated, but   make conversations sound human. ‑‑‑‑ With
                 the translations are incomplete and require   AI, the e‑commerce industry can optimise user
                 further refinement and editing by experts.    experience, improve customer engagement, and
             E)  The number of characters in most of the       reduce deceptive practices.
                 sentences is more than 118, which is the limit   A)  E-commerce businesses that invest in AI
                 for the machine-learning model.
                                                                  benefit from automated systems that can
          2.  It is pointed out in the passage that computer      perform tasks faster and more accurately than
             translation techniques are becoming more             humans.
             widely available, but ----.                       B)  Moreover, AI allows retailers to reduce their
             A)  ancient languages remain challenging, as         carbon footprint by optimising their supply
                 they require the comprehension of extinct        chain operations so they can improve energy
                 linguistic groups and often incomplete           efficiency.
                 documents                                     C)  Despite the advantages of AI-powered chatbots
             B)  the current translation models for ancient       in optimising the customer experience, some
                 languages are not as accurate or reliable as     users still prefer to interact with human agents.
                 those developed for modern languages          D)  AI can also help prevent credit card fraud by
             C)  the machine-learning model developed by          analysing usage patterns and identify fake
                 the Assyriologists cannot fully translate all    reviews, thereby improving the credibility of
                 aspects of ancient Mesopotamian texts            online reviews.
                 accurately                                    E)  AI-powered visual search engines can assist
             D)  the program’s ‘hallucinations’ indicate that it   customers in finding products by simply
                 struggles with producing both grammatically      uploading an image as well.
                 correct and factually accurate translations
             E)  there is a lack of funding and resources   e  Choose the irrelevant sentence in the
                 dedicated to the development of machine       passage.
                 translation tools for ancient languages       (I) Robotics is a field of study and engineering that
                                                               involves the design, construction, and operation
          3.  Which of the following questions is mainly       of robots. (II) These are machines programmed
             answered by the passage?                          to execute various tasks autonomously or
             A)  Why do machine-learning model developers      under human control. (III) The field of robotics
                 prefer the Latin script representation?       is constantly evolving, with new developments
             B)  What are the challenges in translating        in areas such as AI, machine learning, and
                 ancient Mesopotamian clay tablets inscribed   computer vision, and it has many applications in
                 in cuneiform?                                 industries, including manufacturing, healthcare,
             C)  What is the ideal sentence length for a       and space exploration. (IV) Robots may also
                 machine-learning model to get optimal         raise ethical concerns regarding their use in
                 results?                                      society in that they could potentially lead to job
             D)  How did a team of Assyriologists develop      displacement. (V) As robots continue to advance
                 a machine-learning model for translating      and become more capable, they hold the key to
                 cuneiform?                                    considerably changing the way we live and work,
             E)  Why is the score achieved by a                making our lives easier, safer, and more efficient.
                 machine-learning model in BLEU4 important?    A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V
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