P. 122
c Read the passage and choose the correct d Choose the best word or expression to fill
answer for the questions below. the spaces in the passage.
1. What can be inferred about nanotechnology? Nanotechnology has the potential to make
A) Its greatest achievement is to create electronic devices light and portable (1)‑‑‑‑
tiny materials for electronic devices like its being unimaginable to think of laptops,
smartphones, laptops, and computers. mobiles, and smartphones as thin as they are
B) A breakthrough technology modifies objects in today. As of 1959, Feynman and Drexler’s
size and weight and enhances their functions work has (2)‑‑‑‑ encouraged scientists to
with the help of other scientific disciplines. create revolutionary nanocomputers capable
C) It helps produce customised materials of achieving large-scale benefits. They (3)‑‑‑‑
for a long time to build such improved forms
with specific properties at the nanoscale, of computer-based technologies that require
increasing strength and performance. a minimum of space for optimal performance.
D) It manipulates nanoparticles that can be Silicon tubes, in particular, have been slowly
easily incorporated into a wide range of substituted (4)‑‑‑‑ nanotubes, enabling significant
products and processes on a larger scale. advancements and efficiency in computing
E) This ascendant technology helps materials technology. (5)‑‑‑‑, lab-on-a-chip technology
exhibit properties that can be harnessed for and memory chips are being developed at
various applications for a short time. nanoscales to reduce storage space while
increasing storage volume within a small, flexible,
2. According to the passage, the purpose of and easily workable chip in computers for use in
using nanotechnology in multiple industries is many other industries.
to ----.
A) enhance the conductivity, strength, and 1.
durability of the materials that can extend the A) by means of B) except for
lifespan of the new devices
B) produce new materials and devices with C) due to D) despite
unique properties and performances without E) as opposed to
altering their existing appearance
C) utilise extremely small devices and structures 2.
by changing the molecular structures of their
characteristics to create more space A) subsequently B) remarkably
D) reduce the dimensions of the materials in C) adversely D) relatively
order to control and take advantage of the next E) arbitrarily
industrial revolution
E) fabricate novel products formulated with new
substances and chemicals and substitute 3.
available materials that function better A) would work B) used to work
C) worked D) would have worked
3. Which of the following is true according to the
passage? E) have been working
A) Creams and moisturisers contain
nanoparticles that can improve the product’s 4.
smoothness and look. A) of B) about
B) Many nanotechnology applications still need
to be developed more so as to consume less C) in D) on
energy. E) with
C) The incorporation of nanoparticles into
electrical equipment can reduce overall 5.
gadget size and weight a bit.
D) Compared to its performance in daily life, A) Instead B) Nevertheless
nanotechnology yields more effective results C) Accordingly D) Similarly
in other scientific fields. E) On the contrary
E) More advanced and faster electronic
equipment will become increasingly prevalent
in the coming years.
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