P. 119
For the questions 37–40, choose the irrelevant
sentence in the passage.
37. (I) Narratives told orally, visually, and emotionally 39. (I) Marbling, known as Ebru, is a traditional
on the stage are a form of performing art Turkish art form with origins in pigment
called storytelling. (II) To document the past manipulation on water. (II) Traditional Ebru
of a society, disseminate information, and pigments are typically derived from natural
provide entertainment, it has been displayed sources, although modern practitioners may
throughout the world, though it is an old art form. sometimes use synthetic ones as well.
(III) Through their voices and body language, (III) Pigments are carefully dropped onto a
storytellers bring their tales into existence, water surface, which is mixed with a thickening
frequently enhancing their presentations with agent, resulting in intricate and unpredictable
music, dancing, and other elements while drawing patterns. (IV) Skilled artists use various tools to
on literature, folklore, or personal experiences. manipulate these pigments, creating symbolic
(IV) Skilled storytellers are also adept at creating and aesthetically rich compositions. (V) Brushes,
and manipulating rhythm, timing, and suspense to combs, needles, and even the gentle force of
keep their audiences captivated and intrigued. their breath result in diverse patterns, from fluid
(V) Storytelling can be presented in various forms, and organic forms to more structured designs.
from traditional oral storytelling to contemporary
storytelling events and performances. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
38. (I) Nasimi created a poetic language by mainly 40. (I) In 1920, numerous African Americans migrated
using Azerbaijani and Persian in his works written to the North for better jobs and relief from the
towards the end of the 14 century. (II) He was discrimination imposed by Jim Crow laws. (II) The
heavily influenced by Sufi philosophy, and his Harlem Renaissance, a cultural movement in the
poetry often explored themes of love, spirituality, Harlem neighbourhood of New York City, was
and the search for truth. (III) His unique style and an era of artistic and intellectual achievements
contributions to Azerbaijani literature have made for African Americans. (III) It aimed to reject
him a revered figure in Azerbaijani culture. traditional American literary norms and establish
(IV) 2019 was therefore declared the ‘Year of a unique writing style that reflected their cultural
Nasimi’ in Azerbaijan to celebrate the 650 identity. (IV) Notable figures, such as Langston
anniversary of this great poet’s birth. (V) Nasimi Hughes and Duke Ellington, emerged during this
wrote around 300 poems, including ghazals, period, contributing to the flourishing of creativity
qasidas, and rubais, which are still admired for in literature and music. (V) Hughes’ first poetry
their lyrical beauty and philosophical depth. collection, The Weary Blues, stood out during this
period for its skilful integration of jazz and blues
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
elements into traditional poetry.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
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