P. 114
Answer the questions 24–26 according to the
passage below.
Literary genres play a pivotal role in book 25. Which of the following conclusions can be
marketing since they help publishers and authors reached based on the passage?
target specific audiences and create expectations A) Genre labels are used as guides to help
for readers. Genre labels such as romance, sci-fi, readers choose books matching their
or mystery are used to direct readers towards preferences.
books they are likely to enjoy. Romance novels,
for example, are typically marketed towards B) Genre expectations have no influence on
female audiences, whereas science fiction readers’ decisions to purchase a book.
is often marketed towards male-dominated C) Understanding literary genres is trivial when
audiences, however gender-stereotyped this it comes to influencing readers’ choice of
may be. Understanding the preferences of target books.
audiences is of the utmost importance to ensure
a book’s success. Genre expectations can also D) Romance novels can also be marketed
influence a reader’s decision to purchase a book. towards male audiences with sound
Readers often have specific preferences for strategies.
what they want to read and will gravitate towards E) The quality of writing is the most important
books that align with their tastes. For instance, factor in determining a book’s success.
readers who enjoy the action-packed, plot-driven
narratives of thrillers will likely avoid
character-driven literary fiction, irrespective of
the quality of the writing. Genre expectations
can also affect the way readers perceive a book.
If a reader picks up a mystery novel expecting
a twisty plot and a satisfying resolution, he
or she may be disappointed if the book turns
out to be more character-focused or lacks a
conclusive ending. In conclusion, without a firm
grasp on literary genres, publishers and authors
risk missing the boat in terms of reaching their
intended readership.
24. It is understood from the passage that 26. Which of the following is implied by the
readers’ expectations ----. underlined sentence in the passage?
A) gravitate towards character-driven narratives A) The impact of genres on publishing books
with twisty plots and conclusive endings
B) The role of genre in producing literary works
B) can affect the decision to purchase a book as C) Publishers’ and authors’ risk management
well as their overall satisfaction with it
D) The importance of genres in book marketing
C) may be disregarded by publishers and
authors if a genre is no longer popular or E) Readers’ attitude towards specific genres
D) remain consistent regardless of the quality
writing of a book or marketing strategies
E) are fixed and cannot be changed provided a
book does not align with their tastes
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