P. 110

c  Read the passage and choose the correct        d  Choose the best option to complete the
             answer for the questions below.                   missing part of the passage.

          1.  Which of the following statements about          Being interested in the performing arts
             music is true according to the passage?           can contribute many benefits to personal
             A)  Having been able to draw on the history and   development, such as the ability to think
                 customs of society makes it invaluable and    creatively, innovate, and respect others from
                 integral to cultural heritage.                different cultures. It also encourages people
             B)  In any social event, like rituals, and telling   to relay their emotions, use their imagination,
                 oral traditions, it has to be firmly close to   and find their unique voices that boost their
                 work and entertainment.                       confidence and help them develop
             C)  Along with being essential to other arts and   self-expression. Expressing themselves
                                                               effectively through art, in particular, makes
                 tracing cultural legacy, it is the most prevalent   it easy for people to show their skills and
                 art in societies.                             qualifications in various environments,
             D)  On account of being accustomed to every       including school and social gatherings.
                 community, it laid the foundation for other   They achieve better results in their academic
                 kinds of the performing arts.                 and business abilities since they gain more
             E)  It can be classical or popular as long as     confidence and have better communication
                 it carries the cultural heritage traces of a   skills. ----
                 particular community.
                                                               A)  Each of the arts of music, dance, and theatre
          2.  We can infer from the passage that the              consequently engages the brain, body, and
             performing arts ----.                                emotions in unique ways.
             A)  consist of nearly all the arts, which aim     B)  This also inspires people to make a
                 to transmit artistic expressions to a live       great deal of progress in their feelings,
                 audience                                         imaginations, and distinctive voices.
             B)  are presented live on stage, where the artistic   C)  They are, in short, better equipped to
                 expressions capture the audience’s interest      succeed in any career path they decide on or
             C)  refer to only the arts admitted by every         in their social lives.
                 society, like music and theatre, which require   D)  Many studies have also revealed that people
                 live performances                                participating in the performing arts achieve
             D)  are performed for the audience, using bodies,    better in many other aspects of life.
                 voices, and talents as a means of creative    E)  They, on the other hand, obtain the best job
                 expression                                       opportunities compared to those who do not
             E)  aim to be an integral part of other forms of art   enthuse over these arts.
                 and pass intangible cultural heritage down to
                 the audience                              e  Choose the irrelevant sentence in the
          3.  Which of the following best describes the
             relationship between the performing arts and      (I) Although cinema and the performing arts are
             cultural heritage?                                two sides of the same coin based on their shared
             A)  The performing arts that frequently utilise the   purpose of storytelling, they differ in some ways.
                                                               (II) Cinema is a form of visual art using technology
                 history and customs of a society may reflect
                 cultural expressions and events.              to produce moving images, while the performing
             B)  Cultural heritage, including rituals and festive   arts encompass live events mostly using music
                                                               and dance to deliver performances. (III) In cinema,
                 events of a community, often becomes a        the audience experiences the film through their
                 cornerstone of the performing arts.           own eyes, as though they were in it, and feels
             C)  Songs sung during agricultural work or music   like they are part of it. (IV) In the performing
                 as part of rituals contribute a lot to the growth   arts, however, the audience experiences the
                 of the performing arts.                       story happening around them and feels like they
             D)  Societies have created their performing arts   actually take part in it. (V) In terms of their history
                 to reflect their ancient culture, just like in   and origins, both began as an expansion of the
                 ancient Greece.                               oral storytelling customs seen in various cultures
             E)  The performing arts should carry the          all over the world.
                 historical and traditional traces of a society to
                 preserve intangible cultural domains.         A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V
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