P. 106

c  Read the passage and choose the correct        d  Choose the best option to complete the
             answer for the questions below.                   missing part of the passage.

          1.  Which of the following is true according to the   Calligraphy has been practised for centuries
             passage?                                          in various cultures around the world, often
             A)  The art of miniature originated during        serving as a means of artistic expression,
                 the Seljuk Empire and persisted until the     communication, and documentation. It
                 Ottoman conquest of İstanbul.                 is not just about writing words but about
             B)  The Uygur manuscript from 868 was such        blending the written characters with a sense
                 a great discovery for Seljuk Turks that they   of aesthetics, rhythm, and emotion. Learning
                 immediately founded a school of miniatures.   calligraphy involves studying specific scripts,
             C)  From Uygur illustrations to intricate         practising stroke patterns, and understanding
                                                               the principles of the art form. ---- Furthermore,
                 depictions of Ottoman history, the art of     mastery means controlling the writing tool,
                 miniature has undergone various phases
                 over centuries.                               understanding the nuances of strokes, and
             D)  Ottoman miniatures exclusively centred on     internalising the principles of the particular
                                                               calligraphic tradition.
                 religious narratives and court life, rather than
                 historical events, portrayed in finely detailed   A)  Different cultures and civilisations have
                 scenes.                                          developed their own calligraphic styles and
             E)  Influenced by Islamic culture, miniatures        scripts throughout history.
                 strictly followed realistic perspective       B)  Achieving proficiency, on the other hand,
                 techniques during Tamerlane’s reign.             requires dedicated practice and a deep
                                                                  understanding of the script or style.
                                                               C)  Many calligraphy artists and enthusiasts
          2.  According to the passage, early Turkish             attend workshops and classes or take online
             illustrations ----.                                  courses to refine their skills.
             A)  were a mixture of historical events and       D)  However, it is a fine art form that involves
                 religious narratives                             creating beautiful and expressive writing
             B)  generally focused on giving information          through artistic penmanship.
                 about daily life                              E)  It is created using specialised writing tools,
             C)  depicted traditional stories and court life in a   the choice of which depends on the desired
                 realistic style                                  style and the type of script.
             D)  were created with unique techniques and
                 strict rules
             E)  were printed on various specifically formed

          3.  It is understood from the passage that       e  Choose the irrelevant sentence in the
             nakkashes ----.                                   passage.
             A)  employed fine brushes and shades to work
                 on details, showcasing their exceptional skills   (I) Turkish carpets are world-famous for their
                 and patience                                  intricate designs, vibrant colours, and exceptional
             B)  were known for using a wide variety of        artistry. (II) Traditionally, they are made of
                 traditional techniques and abstract forms in   high-quality wool, which is often collected from
                 their artworks                                sheep raised in the mountains of Türkiye.
             C)  received exclusive training in manuscript     (III) The wool is processed into colourful fibres
                 illustration before transitioning to the art of   and tied around the warp threads on a loom
                 miniature                                     using the hand-knotting technique. (IV) Different
             D)  passed on information about significant       regions of Türkiye have their distinct weaving
                                                               techniques and motifs, often influenced by their
                 events and cultural heritage via Ottoman      geographical and cultural characteristics. (V) The
                 miniatures                                    number of knots per square inch contributes to
             E)  followed strict rules of realistic perspective   the carpet’s quality, durability, and resilience.
                 to ensure accuracy in their portrayals of
                 historical events                             A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V
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