P. 108
c Read the passage and choose the correct d Choose the best word or expression to fill
answer for the questions below. the spaces in the passage.
1. According to the passage, Renaissance art The Romantic Period, which lasted from 1798
and literature ----. to 1837, (1)‑‑‑‑ by the French Revolution and
A) had a limited and brief impact on artistic the changing political and economic climate
and literary expression compared to other of that time. This era brought about significant
historical periods social changes, such as a stronger push to end
B) aimed to depict the natural world and human slavery and migration from rural to urban areas
experiences with a strong emphasis on (2)‑‑‑‑ industrialisation. Romanticism emerged
realism as a reaction (3)‑‑‑‑ industrialism and criticism of
C) were focused on celebrated heroism, virtue, aristocratic norms, with a focus on the importance of
nature. (4)‑‑‑‑ writers of this period did not consider
and the struggles of characters against themselves Romantics, they were later classified
supernatural forces as such by Victorian writers because of their skill in
D) primarily revolved around religious themes, capturing human emotions. Early Romantic writers
frequently portraying scenes that featured like Robert Burns and William Blake delved into
religious figures themes of freedom and innocence in their poetry.
E) often showcased dreamlike and fantastical However, unlike other writers of the time, Jane
imagery, which was a clear departure from Austen focused on the everyday lives of ordinary
rationality people, shifting towards social realism. Her novels
featured (5)‑‑‑‑ heroines, depicting the lives of
2. One can understand from the passage that women during that era.
----. 1.
A) only individuals who belonged to a specific A) is influenced
socio-economic status may have shown
interest in art and literature during the B) was influenced
Renaissance period C) have been influenced
B) the Renaissance was characterised by
dogmatic beliefs and customs that imposed D) had been influenced
limitations, similar to those observed during E) was being influenced
the Middle Ages
C) the invention of the printing press served as
an inspiration for individuals to produce their 2.
own works and disseminate their ideas A) regardless of B) contrary to
D) instead of solely concentrating on moral C) except for D) on behalf of
lessons, Renaissance writers began to
explore the complexities of human emotions E) due to
and experiences
E) Leonardo da Vinci’s artworks portrayed 3.
idealised and religious figures, demonstrating A) against B) between
his profound knowledge of human anatomy
and the principles of perspective C) from D) of
E) by
3. What is the primary purpose of the author?
A) To explain how new ideas influenced art and 4.
literature during the Renaissance era A) In order that B) Unless
B) To provide some brief information about C) As D) Although
everyday life during the Renaissance
C) To highlight the importance of the printing E) Before
press in spreading the Renaissance ideas
D) To persuade readers that the Renaissance 5.
era was the best period for the creation of art A) enigmatic B) popular
E) To inform the reader of the strict beliefs and
practices of the mediaeval period C) relatable D) fictional
E) fantastic
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