P. 103


                   Fictional Genres as Mirrors to Society’s Reflection

             Literary genres have been extensively  used as a medium to comment on social and political issues. Genres
             like dystopian and science fiction can bring up  current issues through imagined future worlds. With the
             creation of a hypothetical  world, authors can highlight specific aspects of society that they believe need
             addressing. These genres often depict   societies in which technology and/or authority control has reached
             frightening levels, prompting readers to consider the consequences of unchecked power. Take Aldous Huxley’s
             Brave New World, which is a vivid portrayal   of a dystopian world where people are genetically engineered
             and strictly controlled by those in power, addressing themes such as conformity and totalitarianism. Historical
             fiction, on the other hand, can shed light on lesser-known or marginalised historical events, providing a fresh
             perspective  on the past. By fictionalising and reimagining past events, authors can daringly  challenge
             dominant, established narratives and spotlight the emotions, motivations, and experiences of those involved.
             Someone Knows My Name by Lawrence Hill, for example, tells the story of the Black Loyalists, who were
             offered safe passage to Nova Scotia in exchange for their service to the British King during the American
             Revolution. This novel focuses on the struggles of African American people at that time, pointing out  how
             they were oppressed and restrained. In conclusion, these genres provide a platform for social and political
             commentary where authors can critique contemporary  (9)  society. Employing these genres, authors discuss
             themes and issues without being constrained  (10)  by the factual limitations of non-fiction writing.

          a  Choose the synonyms of the highlighted and numbered words and phrases in the passage.
             1.   A broadly             B frankly            C smartly             D   briefly

             2.   A impede              B raise              C prove               D   avoid

             3.   A undebatable         B controversial      C domineering         D speculative
             4.   A conceal             B reverse            C describe            D impart
             5.   A declaration         B generalisation     C compilation         D representation

             6.   A viewpoint           B mastermind         C background          D cornerstone

             7.   A faintly             B rarely             C closely             D boldly
             8.   A neglect             B claim              C mention             D pretend

             9.   A corrupt             B modern             C superior            D civilised
            10.   A disturb             B force              C restrict            D   irritate

         b  Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words given below.

                         constrained                   depict                  hypothetical
                                        daringly                  extensively
             1.   The             of characters and settings varies widely across different literary genres, influencing
                 the tone and themes of each work.
             2.   An author’s            use of figurative language, including metaphors, similes, and personification,
                 adds depth and complexity to their writing.
             3.   The             of language can both challenge and inspire writers to create works of literature that
                 push the boundaries of expression.
             4.   Various            have been put forward regarding The Time Machine by H.G. Wells, including its
                 potential as a commentary on social class and the nature of time itself.
             5.   The most memorable and impactful works of literature often come from the    minds of
                 authors who are willing to take risks and explore controversial topics.

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