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35.  Wellness tourism has been practised         36.  Petra, located in the rocky canyons of
             throughout history, with ancient civilisations    Wadi Musa, Jordan, is one of the most
             recognising the therapeutic properties            awe‑inspiring archaeological sites in the
             of certain natural sites. One remarkable          world. It is believed to have been established
             example of ancient wellness tourism sites         in 312 BC and peaked as the capital of the
             was Hierapolis, a Graeco-Roman city located       Nabataean Kingdom from the 4  century BC
             in present-day Türkiye. Built around natural      to the 1 century AD. The city’s remarkable
             thermal springs, which were believed to cure      rock-cut architecture, skilfully carved into
             various ailments, including skin diseases         the pink sandstone cliffs, includes famous
             and rheumatism, the city was frequented by        structures like the Treasury, numerous tombs,
             those from all over the Roman Empire and          and temples. Due to its advantageous position
             beyond. ---- Today, Hierapolis is a UNESCO        between Arabia, Egypt, and Syria, Petra
             World Heritage Site with well-preserved           played a significant role as a major trade hub.
             Roman baths and a theatre, attracting visitors    ‑‑‑‑
             exploring the history of wellness tourism and     A)  In the year 363 AD, a massive earthquake
             ancient healing practices.
                                                                   occurred, resulting in notable destruction in
             A)  The concept of wellness tourism has not           certain areas of Petra.
                 remained static over time; modern wellness    B)  Overall, the intricate water supply system
                 tourism often involves luxury resorts and         of Petra, such as dams and cisterns,
                                                                   played a crucial role in sustaining the city’s
             B)  It was a significant wellness tourism site, but   inhabitants.
                 other civilisations also had their versions of   C)  To conclude, the global popularity and
                 healing sites.
                                                                   recognition of the ancient city of Petra have
             C)  It thrived as people visited for health           increased due to its appearances in many
                 purposes, creating a flourishing centre of        films.
                 commerce and cultural exchange.
                                                               D)  The rock-cut tombs and structures of Petra
             D)  The success of wellness tourism in                exhibit a blend of architectural styles of
                 Hierapolis demonstrates the economic              ancient civilisations, making it an
                 significance of health-focused travel.            archaeological treasure.
             E)  Modern wellness retreats incorporate          E)  Its status facilitated the exchange of
                 elements of ancient healing practices for         valuables such as spices, silks, and jewels,
                 tourists seeking holistic experiences and         enriching its economic and cultural influence.

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