P. 97
Answer the questions 27–29 according to the
passage below.
Medical tourism is a growing trend where people 28. What can be inferred from the passage?
travel to different countries for medical treatment A) Researching medical tourism in great depth
or procedures. This trend is driven by various is not absolutely necessary, as it offers a
factors, such as the soaring costs of healthcare in variety of benefits.
some developed countries, long waiting times for
specific treatments, and the availability of B) Some destinations for medical tourists fail
world-class medical facilities in other nations to provide the same high standards as more
at more affordable prices. Patients often seek well-known ones.
specialised treatments that may not be accessible C) Patients can be at higher risk when there is a
or offered in their home countries, along with the weakness in the country’s infrastructure and
opportunity to combine medical care with leisure legislation.
and travel experiences. This emerging industry
has resulted in a boom in medical tourism D) The ideal healthcare is guaranteed by going
destinations globally. Countries like Thailand, somewhere that places a premium on both
India, and Mexico have become popular choices quality and safety.
for medical tourists primarily because of their E) Medical tourists keep flocking to Thailand,
high-quality healthcare services provided by India, and Mexico for the treatment they offer
expert practitioners at budget-friendly rates. despite the expense.
Moreover, these countries offer international
patients personalised care and support,
aiming to create a comfortable and stress-free
experience for them. However, not all medical
tourism destinations can guarantee the same
level of quality and safety as their celebrated
counterparts. Some may lack the necessary
infrastructure and regulations to provide top-notch
medical care, putting patients at risk. Therefore,
while medical tourism has numerous advantages,
it is crucial to thoroughly research and select a
destination that prioritises quality and safety to
ensure the best possible healthcare experience.
27. According to the passage, those in need of 29. Which of the following could be the best title
expert medical care turn to foreign countries for the passage?
since ----.
A) Seeking Care Abroad with Medical Tourism
A) they can relax and enjoy themselves without B) Quality and Safety in Medical Tourism
any risk
C) Embracing the Benefits of Medical Tourism
B) a combination of medical care and leisure is
barely preferred D) Balancing Healthcare and Travel Abroad
C) healthcare services are provided at E) Unlocking Global Healthcare Opportunities
considerable costs
D) care and support are always tailored to the
individuals’ needs
E) it may not be available or easy to get in their
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