P. 93


           For the questions 1–10, choose the best word
           or expression to fill the space.

          1.  As more people seek rejuvenation through     6.  Emphasising profit over preserving a
             the healing properties of natural hot springs,    destination’s rich heritage and traditions, ----
             the ‑‑‑‑ of thermal tourism has increased         driven tourism often causes the erosion of
             significantly in recent years.                    local culture.
             A) prevalence      B) involvement                 A) irreversibly     B) indispensably
             C) assortment      D) sustenance                  C) responsibly     D) commercially

                        E) compatibility                                 E) profoundly

          2.  High-speed rail offers unprecedented ----,   7.  Domestic tourism refers to travel within one’s
             allowing travellers to reach their destinations   own country, whereas international tourism
             swiftly and revolutionising the way people        refers to travel to a foreign country to ‑‑‑‑ new
             commute and connect faraway locations.            cultures and experiences.
             A) awareness       B) visualisation               A) overlook        B) submit
             C) inspiration      D) equivalence                C) advertise       D) shelter
                        E) convenience                                   E) explore

          3.  With its majestic peak towering above a      8.  Political instability and security concerns in
             picturesque landscape, Mount Fuji offers ‑‑‑‑     certain regions can ‑‑‑‑ tourism and travel,
             scenery, magnetising visitors from all over the   leading to decreased visitor confidence and a
             world.                                            potential decline in tourism revenues.
             A) increasing      B) amusing                     A) captivate       B) jeopardise
             C) challenging     D) stunning                    C) disfigure       D) strengthen
                        E) thriving                                      E) encompass

          4.  ‑‑‑‑ forms of cultural and natural treasures,   9.  Cultural heritage serves as a bridge between
             which range from ancient artefacts to             the past and present and includes both
             breathtaking landscapes, can fascinate and        tangible and intangible elements ---- from
             inspire individuals across generations.           previous generations.
             A) Shallow         B) Declaratory                 A) based on        B) passed down
             C) Assorted        D) Associative                 C) delved into     D) engaged in

                        E) Submerged                                     E) set out

          5.  The growing reliance on fossil‑fuel‑powered   10.  Before a plane ‑‑‑‑, the pilot and co‑pilot need
             vehicles ‑‑‑‑ impacts the environment and         to perform a pre-flight checklist together to
             contributes to air pollution, thereby worsening   ensure the aircraft is in proper working order.
             the issue of climate change.                      A) takes off       B) comes about
             A) unofficially     B) collaboratively
                                                               C) thinks up       D) derives from
             C) adversely       D) autonomously
                                                                         E) embarks on
                        E) magnificently

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