P. 90

c  Read the passage and choose the correct       d  Choose the best word or expression to fill
             answer for the questions below.                   the spaces in the passage.

          1.  Which of the following is one of the             Since an economic crisis (1)‑‑‑‑ in Türkiye in
             characteristics of mobility?                      1929, people started sharing a taxi on the same
             A)  Based on its many goals, including            route to pay less, which brought a new concept to
                 enhancing human lives, it is a fundamental    daily transportation. Dolmuş, a shared taxi seating
                 necessity shared by people and freight.       eight to ten passengers, means ‘completely full’ in
             B)  In terms of internal and global mobility,     Turkish, which derives from the fact that a dolmuş
                 countries do not share the same extent of     does not leave (2)‑‑‑‑ it has enough passengers.
                 mobility.                                     As there are no precisely defined stops for a
             C)  Improvements in mobility clearly reflect the   dolmuş, (3)‑‑‑‑ the initial and final stops along
                 outcome of technological developments in a    the two routes already defined, people who want
                                                               to get off shout at the driver, “Someone needs
                 place.                                        to get off.” After the necessary traffic security
             D)  The varied types of transportation used       conditions (4)‑‑‑‑, the passenger is allowed to get
                 around the globe can significantly enhance    off. Regarding the fee, the majority of payments
                 the cultural values of a country.             are made in cash, passed from passengers to the
             E)  It symbolises the wealth of countries and     driver. The driver has a little box adjacent to the
                 gives clues about to what extent they protect   gear shift, (5)‑‑‑‑ which he inserts the small coins
                 their cultural values.                        in the relevant compartments.

                                                               A) went through    B) brought about
          2.  One can understand from the passage that
             people who travel to distant places ----.         C) broke out       D) found against
             A)  demand social, cultural, and economic                    E) made up
                 activities to take place, along with the
                 experience of exploring enjoyable moments  2.
             B)  contribute a lot to the financial opportunities
                 of the host countries and enable cultural      A) whereas        B) although
                 transportation modes                          C) when            D) after
             C)  initially prefer quick and easy modes of                E) until
                 transportation; however, when they arrive,
                 they prefer cultural ones
             D)  always look for defined cultural transportation   3.
                 that reflects various social and cultural traits      A) as well as      B) despite
                 of the country they have visited              C) in case of      D) except for
             E)  are aware of the importance of traditional
                 transportation modes and how they reflect a             E) as regards
                 country’s financial and social characteristics
                                                               A) have been met       B) are met
          3.  Which of the following can be inferred from      C) will be met     D) had been met
             the passage about Amsterdam?                                E) were met
             A)  It does not allow the use of cars in the city
                 centre.                                   5.
             B)  It is known only for its huge social movement
                 in 1971.                                      A) into            B) from
             C)  It includes the most aligned bike racks on the      C) over        D) under
                 streets in the world.                                   E) beyond
             D)  It gives importance to the environment and
                 the health of its own people.
             E)  It prioritises the use of cycling as a means of
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