P. 86
c Read the passage and choose the correct d Choose the best word or expression to fill
answer for the questions below. the spaces in the passage.
1. Which of the following statements is true Agritourism refers to the practice of visiting
according to the paragraph? agricultural areas, such as farms and ranches,
A) Private companies have successfully for educational or leisure purposes. It is a form of
launched lunar tourism programmes, tourism (1)‑‑‑‑ people to experience and engage
allowing people to visit the Moon. in rural activities, agricultural processes, and local
B) The project led by Elon Musk is the culture. (2)‑‑‑‑, frequently organised workshops
only initiative whose spacecraft is under or classes on topics like organic farming, cheese
development for a trip to the Moon. making, beekeeping, or traditional crafts offer
C) Lunar tourism is currently a widely available visitors educational opportunities to learn new
skills and gain knowledge about sustainable
option for individuals who are passionately agriculture. These activities also provide chances
interested in exploring space. for local communities (3)‑‑‑‑ promoting economic
D) The spacecraft of Elon Musk’s company is growth in rural areas and generating revenue
exclusively designed for commercial space for local businesses such as hotels, restaurants,
travel. and souvenir shops. However, it is important
E) Commercial space travel and lunar for agritourism supervisors to organise their
tourism have gained popularity due to the activities (4)‑‑‑‑. They should be prioritising the
advancements in space technology. safety and well-being of visitors during activities
(5)‑‑‑‑ maintaining the integrity of the agricultural
operations and minimising any negative
environmental impacts.
2. One can understand from the passage that A) to allow B) being allowed
A) although private companies have expressed C) having allowed D) allowing
interest in lunar tourism, the exact timeline E) to be allowed
and availability of such trips remain uncertain
B) the future of lunar tourism is solely dependent 2.
on the success of the projects run by private
companies A) As a consequence B) For instance
C) individuals or small groups may engage in C) For this reason D) Nonetheless
activities such as assisting in the development E) Additionally
of the spacecraft
D) both projects focus on developing space
technology through collaboration between 3.
private companies and space agencies A) by B) at
E) lunar tourism has already become popular, C) on D) to
with individuals and small groups regularly
visiting the Moon for exploratory activities E) with
A) incredibly B) immediately
C) relatively D) responsibly
3. The underlined word “it” in the passage refers E) unexpectedly
to ----.
A) the spacecraft 5.
B) the space project
C) lunar tourism A) in spite of B) similar to
D) commercial space travel C) owing to D) unlike
E) space technology E) as well as
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