P. 83
For the questions 37–40, choose the irrelevant
sentence in the passage.
37. (I) People nowadays are generally more 39. (I) Herbal medicine comprises the use of some
knowledgeable about healthcare conditions, parts of plants, such as leaves, stems, flowers,
ailments, and treatments than they were in the roots, and seeds, to develop cures to treat a
past, thanks to digital technology, which has variety of ailments. (II) These cures can be
made health information highly accessible. carried out in various forms such as teas,
(II) However, it might be challenging to tinctures, capsules, poultices, or creams.
comprehend those health information sources (III) The efficacy of herbal medicine is related
on the Internet and adjust them to their health. to the chemical and phenolic compounds in
(III) In addition, people sometimes act as though plants, which may possess medicinal properties.
their own professions were doctors or any other (IV) Herbal medicine is often used to focus on
qualified health occupations. (IV) That is why common health problems like digestive disorders,
working closely with qualified healthcare experts hormonal imbalances, and stress-related issues.
is crucial because they provide much more (V) These compounds have numerous effects
valid and reliable information about particular on the body, including anti-inflammatory,
medical conditions, available treatments, and antibacterial, antioxidant, and immune-stimulating
care requirements. (V) Nevertheless, people have properties.
the right to make their own decisions about the
care they get, provided that they fully grasp the A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
treatment options and are guided by the advice of
health professionals.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
38. (I) Incorporating mini workouts into your daily 40. (I) Progeria is a rare genetic disorder that causes
routine is a great way to stay active throughout children to age rapidly, starting in their first
the day. (II) They can be as simple as taking the two years of life. (II) It is caused by a mutation in
stairs instead of the lift or stretching at your desk. the lamin A gene, which produces an abnormal
(III) These short bursts of physical activity can protein called progerin. (III) Individuals with
help increase blood flow, reduce stress, and boost progeria tend to have abnormal growth, hair
energy levels by increasing endorphins, which are loss, skin changes, and a unique appearance
natural chemicals released in the brain when you (a large head with a narrow, wrinkled face and
exercise. (IV) Busy individuals and those reluctant a pinched nose). (IV) They are also at risk for
to do a full-body workout generally prefer intense severe cardiovascular complications, which
but short bursts of exercise. (V) Whether at home, often lead to death by their mid-teens or early
at work, or on the go, mini workouts are an easy twenties. (V) Gene therapy, among various other
and practical way to maintain your health and therapeutic and management strategies for
well-being and assist with achieving your fitness genetic conditions, is currently being investigated
goals in the long run. in clinical trials.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
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