P. 80

Answer the questions 30–32 according to the
           passage below.

             Alice in Wonderland syndrome (AIWS) is a      31.  Which of the following can be inferred from
             sensory disorder characterised by distortions     the passage about the treatment of AIWS?
             in visual perception, causing individuals to      A)  There is no necessity for treatment, as the
             experience illusions where external objects or       syndrome does not lead to any disabilities.
             their own body image appear to change in size
             or shape. This can lead individuals to feel like   B)  Researchers are conducting further
             they are either larger or smaller than their actual   investigations in order to find a cure for the
             size; hence, the syndrome is named after Lewis       illness.
             Carroll’s renowned children’s book, where the     C)  Treatment is complicated because there are
             main character, Alice, also experiences similar      several conditions associated with its onset.
             changes in her body size. AIWS can also affect
             one’s sense of time, causing the movement of      D)  Treatment is required for the underlying
             people or objects to appear unnaturally fast or      illness, as the syndrome resolves on its own
             slow. Still, fortunately, the episodes of AIWS are   over time.
             brief, ranging from 10 seconds to 10 minutes      E)  There is a standardised treatment plan for
             in some cases, and do not result in any form of      the syndrome, but the underlying diseases
             impairment. Diagnosing and documenting the           may disrupt it.
             primary causes of the disorder is challenging
             due to limited information; however, the
             Epstein-Barr virus is commonly believed to be
             the cause in children, while migraines are more
             frequently associated with adults. Furthermore,
             various neurological and psychiatric conditions,
             such as strokes, brain tumours, viral infections,
             epilepsy, eye diseases, depression, and
             schizophrenia, have also been linked to the
             onset of this syndrome. Despite the lack of a
             standardised treatment plan for AIWS, it has been
             observed to resolve either spontaneously or with
             the intervention of the underlying disease.

          30.  Which of the following is true about AIWS   32.  According to the passage, which could be an
             according to the passage?                         example of perceptual distortion for AIWS?
             A)  It is frequently observed in adult patients who   A)  Hearing sounds or voices that nobody else
                 have been diagnosed with neurological or         hears
                 psychiatric disorders.
                                                               B)  Feeling like their head is expanding or
             B)  The syndrome took its name from Lewis            getting smaller
                 Carroll’s children’s book because he was      C)  Feeling touch or movement in their body that
                 also afflicted with the same disorder.
                                                                  is not real
             C)  Individuals with AIWS experience distorted    D)  Waiting for a particular time to perform a
                 perceptions of their bodily features and         specific task
                 objects in terms of scale and form.
                                                               E)  Seeing individuals who are not actually
             D)  The duration of the illusion episodes is so      present
                 excessively long that they cause individuals
                 to lose their sense of time.

             E)  The experience of illusions can be a source
                 of great fear and distress for individuals who
                 are afflicted, particularly children.

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