P. 79
Answer the questions 27–29 according to the
passage below.
The therapeutic use of medicinal leeches, 28. According to the paragraph, leech saliva ----.
hirudotherapy, is an ancient method that A) contains agents acting to reduce signs of
continues its applicability in today’s modern inflammation, which makes it a suitable
medicine. The saliva of these magnificent treatment for pain management
creatures offers a range of medicinal benefits,
making them valuable partners in the treatment B) accelerates wound healing by promoting the
of various medical conditions. Its ability to production of growth factors and stimulating
prevent blood clotting makes hirudotherapy tissue regeneration
particularly useful in focusing on blood circulation C) narrows blood vessels and reduces blood
disorders, such as venous insufficiency, varicose flow to manage conditions such as varicose
veins, and thrombosis. By enhancing blood veins and thrombosis
flow and reducing viscosity, leeches can also
help alleviate related symptoms. Moreover, the D) suppresses the immune response, which
therapeutic benefits of hirudotherapy include pain makes it effective in treating arthritis and
management. The bioactive components in leech musculoskeletal disorders
saliva include analgesics and anti-inflammatory E) has not yet proved to be a therapeutic tool
agents, which can relieve conditions such as for the patients suffering from clotted or
arthritis and musculoskeletal disorders. By contaminated blood
reducing pain and inflammation, leeches provide
an alternative or complementary approach to
conventional pain management methods. With
their ability to improve blood circulation, prevent
clotting, and provide pain relief, leeches have
proved valuable therapeutic creatures when used
under the guidance of professionals. Its historical
usage and integration into contemporary medicine
emphasise the significance of hirudotherapy in
promoting health and well-being.
27. Which of the following best describes one of 29. One can conclude from the passage that ----.
the therapeutic benefits of hirudotherapy?
A) hirudotherapy is a highly specialised
A) It was primarily used to treat respiratory method that exclusively focuses on treating
disorders by improving lung function and cardiovascular disorders
reducing inflammation.
B) the efficacy of hirudotherapy is restricted to
B) Medics apply leeches to promote blood specific inflammatory conditions like arthritis
clotting and prevent excessive bleeding and musculoskeletal disorders
during surgical procedures.
C) the use of leeches is primarily confined
C) It helps with pain management by utilising to pain management and has limited
the saliva’s analgesic and anti-inflammatory effectiveness in improving blood circulation
properties that provide relief.
D) hirudotherapy has become an outdated
D) By focusing on blood circulation disorders by medical practice with minimal relevance in
enhancing muscular function, it reduces the modern healthcare
risk of thrombosis.
E) the significance of hirudotherapy is profound
E) Its unique technique, which includes applying particularly in the areas of blood circulation
leeches directly to the skin, removes toxins disorders and pain management
and promotes well-being.
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