P. 74

c  Read the passage and choose the correct        d  Choose the best option to complete the
             answer for the questions below.                   missing part of the passage.

          1.  According to the passage, Ayurveda ----.         Cupping, an ancient therapeutic technique,
             A)  is a healing technique based on religious     has persisted for thousands of years,
                 rituals and herbal therapies                  captivating the curiosity of both traditional
             B)  was the name of the method practised by       healers and modern practitioners. This method
                 priests serving as healers                    involves placing heated glass or plastic cups
             C)  offers a special and customised treatment     on the skin to create a vacuum-like effect that
                 like acupuncture or Tai Chi                   draws the underlying tissue upwards. ---- By
             D)  has not been integrated into today’s          doing so, it can stimulate blood flow, alleviate
                                                               pain, and promote healing. Scientific studies
                 mainstream healthcare system yet              exploring the specific mechanisms and
             E)  aims to adapt the balance between the mind,   benefits of cupping are still relatively limited,
                 physical health, and soul                     while anecdotal evidence and historical
                                                               accounts suggest its efficacy.
          2.  One can understand from the passage that         A)  Its benefits may be attributed to placebo
             ----.                                                effects, and relying solely on it for serious
             A)  throughout centuries, people relied on natural   medical conditions may not result in healing.
                 resources to recover from illnesses, but they   B)  The intention behind cupping is to enhance
                 have never been interested in meditation as      circulation, release toxins, and restore
                 a therapeutic tool                               balance within the body’s energetic
             B)  in ancient Egypt, treatments mostly included     pathways.
                 herbs and spiritual rituals, which were       C)  As ongoing research enlightens its potential
                 performed by men who carried out religious       therapeutic properties, the true value of this
                 duties and ceremonies as well                    practice is yet to be fully understood.
             C)  the need for an all-inclusive and more        D)  Heated glass is often considered harmful, as
                 personalised approach to healthcare forced       it leaves marks on the skin, but its potential
                 ancient civilisations to look for alternative    to reduce pain is a stubborn fact.
                 ways of current therapies                     E)  Cups, typically made of glass or plastic,
             D)  in recent years, interest in alternative         create suction on the skin, draw blood to the
                 medicine has decreased due to its                surface, and cause localised congestion.
                 consequences and efficacy, which cannot be
                 proved scientifically
             E)  by integrating ancient wisdom with modern   e  Choose the irrelevant sentence in the
                 scientific insights, alternative medicine seeks   passage.
                 to provide a comprehensive and holistic
                 approach to healthcare                        (I) Acupuncture is basically the insertion of fine
                                                               needles into specific points on the body so as
          3.  Which of the following is true according to the   to stimulate the flow of energy, known as Qi,
             passage?                                          and promote healing. (II) Its efficacy has been
             A)  Over recent decades, alternative medicine     supported by numerous studies, indicating its
                 has become increasingly popular and many      ability to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation,
                 people prefer it to surgical procedures.      and improve overall well-being. (III) It is used for
             B)  Acupuncture and Qigong were not popular       various illnesses like migraines, insomnia, and
                 years ago and their effectiveness has never   infertility, as its holistic approach targets both the
                 been proved.                                  physical and energetic aspects of health. (IV) To
             C)  Although alternative medicine has evolved     apply it properly, a deep understanding of human
                 in years, there are still debates about its   anatomy is required because practitioners must
                 scientific proof, safety, and effectiveness.  identify acupoints along meridians to restore
             D)  Ancient civilisations developed their own     balance within the body. (V) One advanced
                                                               application of acupuncture is electroacupuncture,
                 medical systems thousands of years ago        which involves the gentle stimulation of
                 with the help of amateur herbalists.          acupuncture points with low-frequency electrical
             E)  In the 20  century, alternative medicine      currents.
                 gained recognition as a result of the popular
                 therapies promoting certain healing.          A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V
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